108. Trust

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Job 13:15 π Hab. 3:17-18

“Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no heard in the stalls; yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” ( Hab. 3:17-18; top )

Mortal man could probably not utter more profound statements than Job’s statement of “though God slay me, yet will I trust Him,” ( Job 13:15; top ), and the one from Habakkuk quoted above.

It’s like a sparrow with a broken wing singing and chirping in the rain; or the approach of darkness, with rain-filled clouds, as grain fields and flowers rejoice to look up to the drenching, life-giving showers.

Wheat is crushed before it becomes bread; the ground must be broken by a sharp plow before it is ready for the seed; grapes must be crushed to produce its nutritious juice. The greatest clusters of grapes are grown when the vines are pruned down to the stake.

If Paul hadn’t gone to prison, the jailer and his family would not have been saved.

Better to go through storms with Jesus than smooth waters without Him; your sailing vessel cannot move on the seas if it’s a calm sea.

Fair weather trust is no trust.

The finest, most beautiful china gains its beauty by being burnt at least three times.

The cross produces resurrection power.

The most calamitous circumstances are God’s avenues to restoration and blessings.

Tears can only make the heart better.

If Joseph had not been Egypt’s prisoner, he would never have been Egypt’s governor. The iron chain about his feet ushered him to the golden chain about his neck.

The crucifixion weaves itself into a crown.

We come up out of the wilderness leaning totally on Jesus.

Even though we are hanging on only by a thread, underneath are the everlasting arms.

Shadows are destined to disappear as the sun rises daily.

The depth of suffering can only deepen my peace.

Christian soldiers are not trained by lying on feather beds, but by going on forced marches. God’s soldiers are made in battle, not in peaceful times.

Our trials in life clear away the obscurity and perfect our disposition and give brightness and purpose to our lives.

Even when we do not know how to steer we are never without a pilot.

107. Quasi-Praise π 109. Poor, Maimed, Lame and the Blind
The End Time Men

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