An Open Letter To Pastors:

Picture this future scene:

Here it is, the moment you have been waiting for. It is your turn to face the Lord, and you long to hear Him say, "Well done, My good and faithful servant." Surrounding you are the sheep that were assigned to you to shepherd back on earth. But He hesitates. He is looking past you, off in the distance. There is one sheep out there also watching to see what He tells you. Then He speaks: "I gave you 100 to watch. There are only 99 here. Where is the one?"

What will you answer? Will you say,

"That one didn't fit in?" Or,

"That one was too sensitive?" Or,

"That one demanded too much of my time?" Or,

what will you say?

What do you think He might say? Perhaps this is how the scene will play out:

But I sent him to your care. He was one of mine. You allowed him to go out in the wilderness to be devoured by wolves. How could he serve me there? Did I not tell you the good shepherd leaves the 99 and goes after the one who went astray?
I didn't have time, for there were many diapers to change with the 99.
Time? Do I not own ALL time? You know I put holes in the money bags of those who cheated Me of My tithes. Couldn't you see I put holes in your bags of time?
I still had 99. That seemed good.
I had watchmen on your walls to warn you. Didn't you hear them?
There were so many voices clamoring to be heard. I knew some of them would be from the enemy sent to cause confusion.
It has always been so, but My Word was there for you, and My Spirit was there for you. I told you to give all of them My love. Who closed your eyes, ears, and hearts to this?
I guess I did.
I sent prophets to you, both for blessing and warning. What did you do with them?
Well, I let the ones with pleasant messages speak so the sheep would be blessed.
What about the warnings?
I was afraid they would stir the flock. You know, that they would see my flaws and fall away.
But it was true. You were flawed. Did I not say all men had wicked and deceitful hearts? Why didn't you admit this so I could bring you to My cross for healing? I went to the cross in full view of the public. Would I not expect you to do the same? In doing this humble act, you would have shown My sheep the path. They would have respected you more and have learned to come to My cross by your example.
You told the sheep you had made "mistakes", and the church had hurt some sheep. You asked them to forgive those "mistakes." Your own mouth condemns you, for in other instances, you told them not to call them "mistakes," but to call it what it is - sin!
I saw you weep for new souls, and I longed to send them. But I heard the voices of the lost crying in the wilderness. How could I send you another 100 and still look the hurt ones in the eyes today?
You counted some of My watchmen, prophets, and sheep as sent by the enemy because they made you uncomfortable. None came except by Me, and you thought of them as nuts and troublemakers. Did not your ignoring them or sending them away pin a name on them in your heart, if not in your mouth? Is this not slander? Is slander not murder? Do you think you would not have killed the prophets?
You allowed sheep and shepherds to accuse others without confrontation. Did this leaven not permeate down through the ranks until many went into the wilderness? Then you took sides in other disputes without caring that the other was nurtured. You have stumbled the little children of My Kingdom.
You celebrated that I was blessing your church. If I had been blessing it, you would have known. It was only My mercy. You cried out for the revival I longed to send. Had I done so, how could I now look Ananias and Sapphira in the eyes?
Him: (publicly, openly and before all who knew you)
Away from Me! I never knew you – and you have not done what I commanded!

Now picture this scene that is being played out right this very instant:

Jesus stands among the lampstands and says to you:

“Behold, I see your good works. But I have a few things against you. I hate the works and teachings of the Nicolaitans, those who lord over their brothers in My name. And you are the man! Repent or I will violently purge you from My body! Stop hearing and reading My word and forgetting that it must apply to you first. Stop your supposedly ‘secret’ sinning – that many already know about! – for your hypocrisy and shameful ways are drawing many after your ways and are bringing My way into disrepute. Repent therefore!”

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