17. Fretting

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Psa. 63:1 π Psa. 63:8 π Prov. 19:3 π Isa. 58:11 π Mk. 12:30 π 2 Tim. 3:7

Fretting is the opposite of “resting in the Lord” and “waiting patiently for Him.” “The foolishness of man perverts his way and his heart frets against the Lord” ( Prov. 19:3; top )

Being void of fretfulness and resting in the Lord depends directly on the completeness of our surrender to Jesus. This total dependency is brought about by our willingness to seek God with our whole heart; as David said, “my soul follows hard after You,” ( Psa. 63:8 ) “My soul thirsts for You.” ( Psa. 63:1 ) It is amazing how present Christendom has specialized in detouring and actually rejecting the first commandment ( Mk. 12:30; top ), the constitution of God’s Kingdom, by seeking a ministry, seeking more faith, seeking prosperity, seeking to excel in counseling…even the seeking of souls can be a subtle way of evading the fulfillment of this commandment. All is vanity that supercedes the fulfilling of this relationship to God. Jesus never worried nor was anxious about His ministry, His ability to counsel, nor any such thing. His purpose was not to promote His will but He was out to fulfill His Father’s will.

Jesus knew God was guiding Him and we can know this certainty also through our desire to be one with God; by telling God no matter what it takes, I want to know You in all fullness. What can go wrong if God is in complete control of your life? Many Christians say God helps them that help themselves that help themselves, but really God helps them that cannot help themselves. We like to think we can help God, but this only brings added difficulties, setbacks and humiliations. We are “ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth,” ( 2 Tim. 3:7; top ), because we fail to see that the truth is a person.

Totally dwelling in God, we are dead to all things that promote or energize fretting. Then we give to Him His gift to us, “ourselves,” to use as He sees fit. Then Isaiah 58:11 is applied: “The Lord shall guide you continually…”

16. Eternal Promises π 18. He Controls Our Everything
The End Time Men

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