127. We’ve Missed It

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Jn. 3:19

“…Men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.” ( Jn. 3:19; top )

The real life of Jesus for us as individual Christians in this end-time battle has been badly distorted by us Christians. Instead of contending for the faith that Almighty God wants delivered to the end-time saints, we have:

  1. Promoted the music of darkness.
  2. Gauged our success by the size of our building programs.
  3. Substituted pleasures for sacrifice.
  4. Health and wealth takes precedence over “deny yourself.”
  5. Ministries are promoted for popularity.
  6. We’ve sold for profit the gifts of God.
  7. Merchandising of religious things for church proselytizing.
  8. Using glib labels about God’s holiness such as “our daddy,” “the man upstairs,” etc.
  9. Emphasis on theology and tradition, rather than on surrendered lives for God’s use.
  10. Allowed all manner of non-Scriptural promotions and ideas to undermine true Biblical wisdom.
  11. Emphasized us getting stronger as God desires our brokenness.
  12. Preaching the getting of our heart’s desire rather than the desire of God’s heart.
  13. Substituted political panaceas for fastings and praying.
  14. Promoted the carnal unity of people rather than spiritual unity with God.

Lord, God be merciful to us in this totally tragic hour!

Lord, our repentance goes to You void of brokenness, yet in Your great compassion for those called by Your name (we ask even void of humbleness)0 that Your holy will be performed through our cluttered vessels and that the great plan of Your saving grace be illuminated to a self-destructing world, plus a total vindication of every word of Scripture cleansed and purified by Your precious blood – that Your eternal passion for sons shall be fulfilled – in Jesus’ Name! Amen and amen.

Getting people to repent is the answer, but they won’t repent by just asking them to. We must ask with our own broken spirit to open conviction on the hearts of Christians; then their repentance will search the depths of their divided, errant and hardened hearts, and this cleansing will bring the Lord of Heaven as true Lord over us all, with a rush of the mighty blood-purchased resurrection power.

Then we will be one with the Father and the Son; then God can have His way, and His way is total holiness, of which no evil, no man or spirit can withstand.

So His glory shall cover the earth!

126. King’s Kids π 128. Nehemiah’s Prayer
The End Time Men

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