132. Poor and Needy

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Prov. 15:25 π Isa. 41:17-18

“When the poor and needy seek water and there is none, and their tongue fails for thirst, I the Lord will hear them; I the God of Israel will not forsake them. I will open rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water and the dry land springs of water.” ( Isa. 41:17-18; top )

There is a cleavage taking place in modern-day Christian circles. This division will promote one group to gravitate toward organizational, structural and sterile doctrinal positions, while the other faction will seek the holy, pure and humble way of Jesus of Nazareth.

The pridefully structured group will have a chance to bow down in humility to follow the rejected Savior, but will refuse, excusing themselves from giving up their doctrine of self-direction and service for God. They have failed to see their prideful bondage.

These poor and needy followers who desire to be like Jesus, with its purpose of letting Almighty God apply the Blood experientially to their lives, are not under any illusions of “being the righteousness of God,” yet are candidates for this righteousness.

This attitude of poor and needy delights the heart of God, as they seek to know Him intimately who has promised to bring them into the realms of the Father’s holiness. This holiness is destined to take place.

How else can the “body of Christ” become the glorious and beautiful Church that is destined to lose its carnality and become without spot or wrinkle?

In this hour, a famine for God’s true words is quickly advancing across the land, and the poor and needy recognize that former places of rest, even in Charismatic and evangelical circles, are drying up. Yet they continue to seek Him who never forsakes them, and they find rivers in unlikely places and springs of living water in obscure valleys, and they sense that even a more intense light than ever before is guiding them home.

The prideful followers of religion are regrouping and reorganizing their established house; however their destined end is, “the Lord will destroy the house of the proud...” ( Prov. 15:25; top )

We are destined to see very soon the most beautiful Christians the world has ever seen; the dedication of these people is going to take our breath away as we Christians rearrange our priorities, and, in most cases, drastically.

Tithing will be substituted by the giving of everything; philosophies, theology and doctrines will lose all their attractions, as the humble truly see Jesus. We will be purged from dead religious works to totally obey and serve the living God, with truly sacrificial lives.

The desire of a Christian seeking to live this holy life will lead directly to that Christian’s divided inner heart, which is destined to be purged. Then, that poor and needy Christian goes to the fountain of divine forgiveness and cleansing; the end result is fruit that feeds a sin-bound world, as Jesus would feed it.

131. Chastised Sons π 133. Awesome God
The End Time Men

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