168. I Am Understanding

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Job 28:28 π Prov. 4:7 π Prov. 8:14 π Prov. 12:11 π Prov. 15:32 π Prov. 21:16 π Mt. 16:24 π Eph. 1:18 π Eph. 1:19

“...I am understanding...” ( Prov. 8:14; top )

“...And in all your getting, get understanding.” ( Prov. 4:7; top )

We rarely understand God, but we can begin to know Him when we realize He is against the selfish attitude of our divided Christian hearts. This knowing comes as He (God) confronts us Christians with our inner evils and then, if we accept reproof, we gain the understanding of God. ( Prov. 15:32; top )

Then, as we depart from evil, we assimilate understanding, which is God’s way of putting into us more of God. “...To depart from evil is understanding.” ( Job 28:28; top )

This above process is constantly going on in Christians who are seeking the Lord with their whole heart.

They are not trying to promote their pet doctrine, nor trying new procedures to win souls, nor getting new insight on casting out devils, nor listing verses on how to gain prosperity, nor proposing new shepherding techniques, nor seeking ways to gain more faith. This obscure group of Christians are few in number; their only goal is to be one with Jesus as Jesus and His Father are one. These people want to be true servants of the Lord. They further understand that being one spirit with the Lord is being His servant, and thereby a true priest of the Lord. No one is a true priest of God until this happens.

If we are determined to follow our favorite pastor or spiritual leader (as good as they may be), eventually if we are determined to sacrificially give our total life to the Lord for this end-time move of God, we will have to leave the vanity of persons behind. All Christians have a certain cell of pride and vanity in our inner persons, even good, honest leaders. Yet, to gain God’s understanding, He must be all in all. “...But he who follows vain persons is void of understanding.” ( Prov. 12:11; top )

A very beautiful Scripture, yet seldom preached on and seldom quoted, is being fulfilled as these Christians seek God’s understanding with their whole heart: “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his (own) cross and follow Me.” ( Mt. 16:24; top )

This taking up of one’s cross is necessary because this transaction of carrying one's own cross accomplishes what the cross represents: death to sin in every shape and form.

Then, as we depart from evil, we receive God’s understanding and wisdom.

“The man who wanders out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.” ( Prov. 21:16; top )

Then, as we receive God’s wisdom and understanding, we can finally know our true calling. “By having the eyes of your heart (understanding) flooded with light so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints - His set-apart ones.” ( Eph. 1:18 Amp.; top)

And “so that you can know and understand) what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength.” ( Eph. 1:19 Amp.; top)

Finally, Jesus becomes the true head of the Church, as sinful flesh succumbs to the purity of the Spirit of truth and understanding.

167. Dragon Country π 169. One With the Father
The End Time Men

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