Quite often when a writer or speaker is discussing one thing, he uses other ideas as building blocks to construct the whole of his idea. This often gives us a wonderful definition or description of the underlying premise which the writer or speaker is relying on to make his point.
Paul wrote, “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body – whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free – and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.”
Paul’s main point here is that even though we are many members, we are only one body. But this main point rests on the simple fact that we have all been made to drink of the one Spirit.
This is significant because there can only be “all” or “other.” That is, there can only be “we” or “them.” If we have not been made to drink of the only one Spirit of God – and there are certain indispensable telltale signs – then we are not part of Paul’s “we” in this verse. It does not matter how many good works we do or what positions of “Christian” leadership we hold or what titles we have attached to our identity. If we do not show evidence that we have partaken of the Spirit of God, it is evidence that we simply do not belong to Christ.
This underlying premise is clear in many places throughout Scripture – but it remains a poorly taught (cleverly concealed?) tenet of the faith in many “theologies” at many a “church.”
Let he who has ears hear
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