Sound Bites
Neil Girrard
- Rest assured that God will show you those external things or internal parts of yourself you place greater loyalty upon than you place upon your loyalty to Christ and God. Sooner or later all your "Isaacs" must go to the altar of sacrifice so that the only Son of God can come forth through you.
- The man who lives in sin is not qualified to teach you about God, no matter what title is attached to his name nor how much or how little he gets paid to do so.
- The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike - the mere fact that it's raining offers no information about one's character nor anything about God's attitude toward the one who is being rained upon.
- We prefer to think of the demonic as raw and pure evil with which we have no desire to have any interaction with. Instead the demonic is most often the invisible, unfelt, unseen, but more-than-welcome deception - the deception, though lethal, is embraced because it makes us think we are much better people than we actually are.
- As members of the human race, there is nothing within us that was not in Judas Iscariot. There, but for the grace of God, go we.
- It's really not about how you play or do "church" - it's all about Him. How you play or do "church" only comes into question if it is keeping you from knowing and obeying Him as He truly is.
- The theologian who explains God in such a way that He is no longer God is no longer a theologian - he has succeeded only in becoming his own god.
- The Bible scholar does well to remember that he is merely a guest in - and not the Master of - the house.
- If you're getting the vast majority of your spiritual understanding from a man, there's something very, very wrong with your relationship with God.
- If your rendition of the gospel makes you popular among men, there is something wrong with either your rendition or your relationship with God or both. If absolutely no one is hearing what you believe God is telling you, there is a very good chance there is something very, very wrong with your relationship with God.
- God's will is not always knowable in advance. Sometimes a step or two must precede knowledge - that is spiritual maturity.
- Abundant life cannot be institutionalized and remain either abundant or life.
- Your obedience is the only thing in the universe God does not already possess. Doing what you think is right and good is not obedience.
- The one who thinks his vision for social or religious improvements gives him the right to enforce his vision on others does not yet know what spirit he is really of.
- Lording over others has two parts: lording and over. Direct authoritarianism is as evil as exalted elitism.
- When intellectual, successful, likeable, charismatic and "beautiful" people control the realms of religious and spiritual thought, it is no longer the kingdom of Christ and God.
- The living are not often found in the place of the dead so there is not much point in looking for them there. Those who are there in the place of the dead have little life worth sharing with others and one is more likely to harm oneself bumping into the monuments to people who lived and died long before one got there.
- If arguing with the Pharisees is the largest part of the "real Christian experience," what a miserable existence that would be. The wise man would pass on the opportunity. Rather, leave the blind leaders of blind followers alone and come, follow Christ alone. If you're truly following the Son of God, soon enough the Pharisees will come looking for you, seeking to kill you. There is no need to go seeking these encounters. They will come soon enough.
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