This site is designed for the serious Bible student, the sincere seeker of eternal life and the devoted follower of Christ Jesus who is faced with challenging the rampant unScriptural and unspiritual “church” practices and errors of today while still seeking to return to the gospel of the kingdom of God as it was preached by Jesus and the original apostles. In many ways, this site is my trail of “Bread crumbs” out of the travesty of spiritual life most men call “church” – perhaps even a time capsule or “message in a bottle” for some future generation to let them know that all that God is showing them is not some new thing but something He has been showing to some throughout what men call “church history.”
This site is designed to provide Scriptural confirmation of what God is and has been showing you in your spirit.
This site is not intended to be a comfortable place for those who are content with “Christian” carnality, divisiveness, legalism or lawlessness in any of its popular forms.
This site is organized in several ways to help you find the topic you wish to study out and every effort to assist you in your responsibility to be a noble Berean has been made. May God bless you always in your search for His grace and truth.
This site, like the genuine Christian life, is again (and still!) under construction (and re-construction!) Your prayers, love, support and patience are greatly appreciated!
I’d love to hear comments and/or questions from you!
God bless you in your search for Him.
- Neil Girrard