6.13 The Counterfeit Voice of God


Chapter 6: Counterfeits of the Divine

from War On the Saints
by Jesse Penn-Lewis

Scriptures Referenced in This Section:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Jn. 10:27 π Heb. 1:2

Evil spirits are able to counterfeit the voice of God, because of the ignorance of believers that they can do so, and of the true principle of God's way of communication with His children. The Lord said: "My sheep know My voice..." ( Jn. 10:27; top ) i.e, My way of speaking to My sheep. He did not say this voice was an audible voice; nor a voice giving directions which were to be obeyed apart from the intelligence of the believer, but, on the contrary, the word "know," indicates the use of the mind, for although there is knowledge in the spirit, it must reach the intelligence of the man, so that spirit and mind become of one accord.

The question whether God now speaks by his direct voice audibly to men, needs consideration at this point. A careful study of the epistles of Paul - which contain an exhaustive epitome of God's will for the Church, the Body of Christ, as the books of Moses contained God's will and laws for Israel - seems to make it clear that God, having "spoken to us in His Son," ( Heb. 1:2; top ) no longer speaks by His own direct voice to His people. Nor does it appear that since the coming of the Holy Spirit to guide the Church of Christ into all truth, does He frequently employ angels to speak, or to guide His children.

[6.12] Counterfeit "Inward" Drawings
[6.14] The Ministry of Angels
6: Counterfeits of the Divine - Table of Contents
Table of Contents π Topical Index

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