11.18 Can Evil Spirits Be Transmitted


Chapter 11: War upon the Powers of Darkness

from War On the Saints
by Jesse Penn-Lewis

Scriptures Referenced in This Section:
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Rom. 6:6-11

There is no danger of the evil spirit when cast out, entering into, or being transmitted to the one who has dealt with them, unless there is ground for their doing so, or consent is obtained for their entry by trick of the enemy. Believers called upon to deal with evil spirits in others should deliberately declare their stand upon the Calvary basis of Romans 6:6-11 (top), ere they do so, as the only safe way of dealing with the basic ground of the old creation, which may give place to the enemy.

The casting out of an evil spirit from another may also be an occasion for the manifestation of one hidden unknowingly in the believer who is dealing with the other possessed person. If this is so, when he finds an immediate manifestation of the enemy's workings in himself he is liable to attribute it to a transmission to himself, or an attack upon himself, of the expelled spirit.

Through this wrong interpretation he now seeks deliverance from the supposed "transmission," and thereby gives new ground to the deceiving spirit, because he does not seek for the cause of the manifestation in his past life; that is, he deals with it as an "attack," instead of a symptom, and hence the cause, or ground, is left undealt with, and undiscovered.

Neither does the laying on of hands by a person unknowingly possessed, transmit evil spirits. If it appears so, it is but an occasion for an evil spirit already hidden in the person, to manifest itself, and then to suggest a wrong cause for the manifestation, so as to throw him off the track in the discovery of ground. In brief, if there are already deceiving spirits in possession, the conditions are favourable for their manifestation, for ALL MANIFESTATION OF EVIL SPIRITS IN A PERSON MEANS GROUND for their occupation, which should be dealt with at once. If a symptomatic manifestation is called an "attack" from outside, no deliverance will be known until the true cause is recognized.

It may be said at this point that whatever signification there may be in the "laying on of hands," the result should be spiritual, and in the spirit, not in physical sensations, or any conscious feelings in the senses.

[11.17] The Voice in Casting Out
[11.19] The Gift of Discerning of Spirits
11: War upon the Powers of Darkness - Table of Contents
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