Keith Green

From time to time, God raises up determined voices in our generations, voices that challenge us to examine our hearts, asking us if what we believe in our minds is actually being lived out in our lives. Keith Green was one of those voices. He was strong, persistent, hard to ignore. He spoke the truth that was needed when he was alive and, perhaps like never before, we need to hear now. In the seven brief years Keith knew Jesus, he trumpeted a wake-up call to Christians everywhere: "It's time to quit playing church and start being the Church."

All articles are formatted as simply as possible and should print directly from your web browser.

Cry in the Wilderness contains a series of Keith's messages which are exceedingly relevant to today's church. He who has ears ought to be listening! Follow the Right Gospel

Last Days Ministries was famous for their little pamphlets. Keith was known for writing or quoting very hard-hitting messages from the heart of God. The following is no exception. It is a must read for anyone who has experienced the rituals of modern "church" but haven't been able to pinpoint just exactly what was wrong with the whole picture.

What's Wrong With the Gospel: Section 2: The Added Parts

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