1.2 Knowledge Gained by Letter of Scripture
and by Experience


Chapter 1: A Biblical Survey
of Satanic Deception

from War On the Saints
by Jesse Penn-Lewis

The Bible throws much light upon the Satanic powers, which cannot fail to be discerned by all who search the Scriptures with open minds, but these will not obtain as much knowledge of the subject from the sacred record, as will those who have understanding by experience, interpreted by the Holy Spirit, and shown to be in line with the truth of the Word of God. The believer may have a direct witness in his spirit to the truth of the Divine Word, but through experience he gets a personal witness to the inspiration of Scripture, to its testimony concerning the existence of supernatural beings, and their works, and the way they deceive, and mislead the children of men.

[1.1] A Special Onslaught of Deceiving Spirits on the Church
[1.3] The Work of Satan as Deceiver in the Garden of Eden
1. A Biblical Survey
of Satanic Deception - Table of Contents
Table of Contents π Topical Index

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