6.7 Counterfeit Manifestations of Divine Workings in the Body


Chapter 6: Counterfeits of the Divine

from War On the Saints
by Jesse Penn-Lewis

Counterfeit manifestations of the Divine life in various ways now follow quickly; movements in the body, pleasant thrills, touches, a glow as of fire in different parts of the body; or sensations of cold, or shakings, and tremblings; all accepted by the believer as from God, but showing what a full entry the deceiving spirit has obtained to the bodily frame; for there is a distinction between the manifestations of evil spirits "with" and "in" the body and mind of the believer; although when they are really inside, they can also make it appear as if they were outside, both in influence and action.

When evil spirits are really outside, and desirous of entry, they work by sudden suggestion, which is not the ordinary working of the mind, but suggestions which come from without; "flashes of memory," again not the ordinary working of the memory, but coming from without; touches and twitches of the nerves; feelings of draught and sensations of wind blowing on the circumference, etc.

[6.6] The Counterfeit "Presence" Is Sensuous
[6.8] Effects of Evil Spirit Entry to the Bodily Frame
6: Counterfeits of the Divine - Table of Contents
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