9.5 God Calls a Man into Co-Action for His Own Salvation


Chapter 9: The Volition and Spirit of Man

from War On the Saints
by Jesse Penn-Lewis

In the hour of his regeneration God gives to man the decisive liberty of will to rule over himself, as he walks in fellowship with God. And by this restoration of a will free to act in choosing for God, SATAN LOSES HIS POWER. Satan is the god of this world, and he rules the world through the will of men enslaved by him, enslaved not only directly, but indirectly, by his inciting men to enslave one another, and to covet the power of "influence," whereas they should work with God to restore to every man the freedom of his own personal volition, and the power of choice to do right because it is right, obtained for them at Calvary.

In this direction we can see the working of the world-rulers of darkness in the realm which they govern, directly in atmospheric influence, and indirectly through men, in

1) hypnotic suggestion,

2) thought reading,

3) will controlling, and other forms of invisible force, sometimes employed for the supposed good of others.

The danger of all forms of healing by "suggestion," and all kindred methods of seeking to benefit men in physical or mental ways, lies in their bringing about a passivity of the will, and mental powers, which lays them open to Satanic influences later on.

[9.4] The Call to Decisive Action of the Will
[9.6] The Believer's Right of Decision of Will
9: The Volition and Spirit of Man - Table of Contents
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