72. Minute Minority

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Isa. 60:14 π Isa. 66:2 π Isa. 66:5 π Jer. 15:19

There is a remnant of obscure believers who have decided that only a totally separated life will ever promote the necessary spiritual environment to produce true end-time warriors. These believers realize that present methods and productions will never produce the righteous wave of conviction necessary to ignite the purifying deep repentance need to get Sodom-like sinners past the barrier or contemporary Christianity’s lukewarm seminars.

The cost to these believers will include a total separation as this minority lifts up a righteous standard for the people to examine. Those who in times past have fed these people (yet the people are still hungry) will rebel and reject even those of their own family. The human spirit, even in Christians, has always fought capitulation and surrender to Almighty God.

As a result the remnant will quake, but not break, as the Lord speaks: “Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for My name’s sake said, ‘Let the Lord be glorified’; but He shall appear to your joy and they shall be ashamed.” ( Isa. 66:5 ) “The sons also of them that afflicted you shall come, bending unto you, and all those who despised you shall bow themselves…” ( Isa. 60:14; top )

The obscure remnant has decided to be God’s workmanship and not man’s, and has incorporated this Scripture into his life: “But to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word (and reveres My commandments).” ( Isa. 66:2; top )

The minute minority understand that they will suffer rebuke at the hands of the brethren, and yet will propose to them, “If you return, then will I bring you again and you shall stand before Me (God) and if you take forth the precious from the vile you shall be as My mouth.” ( Jer. 15:19; top )

Then the body of Christ will lose its shackles of inept professions and confessions and will speak only the oracles of the living God; then the body will become one as the Father and Son are one, and righteousness and dominion from the Father will sustain, quicken and deliver a generation that appeared destined to self-destruct. And then all creation shall see even greater things than those that happened during the earthly ministry of Jesus, as the Father reveals the abundant love, mercy and compassion of an all-holy God whose heart’s cry is that none should perish.

71. Infiltration π 73. Who Tries Us?
The End Time Men

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