129. Leave Them Alone

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Psa. 11:5 π Isa. 46:10 π Mt. 20:15 π Jn. 5:19 π Jn. 21:22 π Phlp. 2:13

“Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?” ( Mt. 20:15; top )

“Jesus said to him, ‘If I will that he remain till I come , what is that to you? You follow Me.’” ( Jn. 21:22; top )

“…My counsel shall stand and I will do all My pleasure.” ( Isa. 46:10; top )

Jesus did not perform the role of a divine counselor while He was on earth. He did only what the Father told Him to do. “…The Son can do nothing of Himself…” ( Jn. 5:19; top ) And, through this relationship, plus being the Son of God, the power of God flowed through Him constantly. Jesus came not to give counseled advice, but to be a vessel of life, dispensing life-giving power every moment of His life.

Most of what passes as counseling in Christian circles today is carnal, human opinion, which interferes with what God is doing in us to purge us and discipline us and make us overcomers for our own good; and also so we’ll surrender to Him, to be useful for His pre-ordained purposes for our lives.

If we are consciously counseling a Christian person going through a trial ( “The Lord tries the righteous.” – Psa. 11:5; top ), this is human endeavor, and the result is us interfering with God’s plan.

Mature Christian counseling is where we are not consciously aware of being used to counsel but, like Jesus, we are totally abandoned to God, so God’s discernment and grace for the person’s need is constantly flowing through us.

We are consciously unaware of the deep recesses of the complex spiritual needs in a person’s life, and human intellect cannot comprehend it, but the free-flowing of God’s Spirit can touch and heal these deep, inward recesses in a person.

Few Christians are desirous of paying the price to produce this kind of Godly counseling.

There are even so-called Christian counselors today who are charging fees for their services. This is an abomination to God; God’s gifts and acts of grace are never for sale.

If our desire to counsel and help another person doesn’t come from our totally yielded and surrendered vessel, we can spoil the good intended for another person through God’s disciplining, chastenings and purgings.

Natural human compassion is usually the direct opposite of divinely God-directed compassion to another person.

When praying for another person, if we discern that God is convicting and disciplining this person, we align our prayers with the will of God; conversely, if God is blessing and restoring another person, we pray to that end also.

The permissive will of God is God permitting trials and chastenings in a Christian life so He can bring us to a place of His perfect will.

“For it is God who works in you both to will and to do His good pleasure.” ( Phlp. 2:13; top )

Counseling is not something you are called into, it’s something God wants you to become.

128. Nehemiah’s Prayer π 130. Patience
The End Time Men

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