130. Patience

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Psa. 55:17 π Psa. 119:145 π Phlp. 3:12 π 2 Ths. 1:4-5 π 2 Tim. 3:17 π Heb. 12:23 π Jas. 1:4

“But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” ( Jas. 1:4; top )

Patience should be pictured by all Christians as an immovable mountain, totally impervious to all pressures and all harassments and stresses.

An intimate relationship with God is the source of patience because this relationship imparts inspiration when in the natural there is absolutely none.

Not many Christians contend, nor seek the relationship necessary for this intimate knowledge of God, because they know just enough Scripture to realize patience comes through tribulation.

Moses endured because he had a person-to-person, talking relationship with Almighty God - this gave him strength to bear every complaint, every dissatisfaction and rebellious act of over a million murmuring Israelites.

Obviously, if we were to seek this kind of relationship with an all-holy God, we would have to give up our T.V. sets, and that is just too much to ask.

Notice that Moses’ relationship was with Almighty God Himself - not with special revelations from the Egyptian Administrators, nor from highly-advertised seminars.

If we look for satisfaction, strength and direction from ourselves, we stop reaching out for a more intimate relationship with Jesus, and the result is spiritual ruin. The Scripture “...spirits of just men made perfect” ( Heb. 12:23 ) implies “not as though I had already attained, nor already perfect, but I follow after...” ( Phlp. 3:12; top )

Just men are those who cry as David cried, “I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O Lord; I will keep Your statutes.” ( Psa. 119:145 ) “Evening, morning and at noon will I pray and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice.” ( Psa. 55:17; top )

“That the man of God be perfect...” ( 2 Tim. 3:17; top )

“...For your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure, which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God (so) that you may be counted worthy of the Kingdom of God for which you also suffer.” ( 2 Ths. 1:4-5; top )

129. Leave Them Alone π 131. Chastised Sons
The End Time Men

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