137. When Shall the End Come?

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Mt. 24:14 π Jn. 8:29 π Jn. 17:22 π Eph. 3:19 π Eph. 4:13

“And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.” ( Mt. 24:14; top )

We observe a constant plea of Christian groups and denominations for people to dedicate themselves as missionaries to help fulfill the great commission, but even as more volunteers come forth to proclaim the gospel to the world population, the population increases beyond any chance of catching up.

But the gospel is going to be preached to all nations. When? When Almighty God sends out His end-time men (the totally surrendered), not those solicited by human programs. These end-time people will go forth with more power and a greater witness than the original 12, and will shake the world with the same comparable extravagant profundity as Jesus did.

The true call of one going to a mission field is from God alone, and should not be the result of a stirring presentation of a mission group or a church board’s proposal to help fulfill some quota.

The calling of God also includes that the person called surrenders to the needed preparation for the calling, and this preparation is not academic, cultural, nor intellectual. It is the age-old Scriptural process of surrendering to God's will in every aspect of one’s life. This bedrock qualification will lead the called ones “...to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God.” ( Eph. 3:19; top )

How could a true God-sent missionary candidate perform his or her Scriptural role without the following?

  1. Knowing the love of Christ experientially and intimately, so that they would only do what God told them to do, the same way God directed Jesus - who only did what the Father told Him to do. ( Jn. 8:29; top ) This readily excels any human knowledge (we can know the unknowable).
  2. A true missionary must have a true priestly heart that has been purged from its divisiveness and has accepted in its place God-like selflessness, so that the person can be filled with all the fullness of God.

Then: “...And the glory which You gave Me I have given them.” ( Jn. 17:22 ); so we may arrive “unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” ( Eph. 4:13; top )

136. Church π 138. Manna
The End Time Men

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