145. Uncircumcised in Heart

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Ezek. 44:7 π Mt. 7:14 π Mt. 7:23 π Mk. 3:25 π Jn. 17:22 π Phlp. 2:12 π 1 Ths. 4:17

“When you brought in foreigners, uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in My sanctuary to defile it - My house...” ( Ezek. 44:7; top )

The body of Christ, the Church, must be without spot or blemish before it can be raptured, as it meets Christ in the air and then is to be presented before the Father. “So shall we ever be with the Lord.” ( 1 Ths. 4:17; top )

Preceding this momentous event, the ranks of contemporary religious groups will be purged of the unconverted and uncircumcised in heart because the house of the Lord, the Church, has been polluted. The Lord has allowed the wheat and tares to grow up together, but the harvest of the Lord demands that His body, the Church, become one with Himself and the Father, “...even as we are one.” ( Jn. 17:22; top )

Prior to this purging, the house of the Lord has been divided spiritually: a part unconverted, part converted. This is not visible to the natural eye, however it is so, nonetheless.

We know that a house divided within itself cannot stand ( Mk. 3:25 ), and many people with Christian labels, prophetic gifts, ministries and exalted positions in religious organizations will hear, “...I never knew you. Depart from Me.” ( Mt. 7:23; top ) God be merciful.

It could well be that the Holy Spirit of Almighty God has already initiated this separating of the wheat from the tares so it can be visible to the discerning eyes of the spirit; we ought to pray for discerning spirits. We also need to watch soberly, observing the signs of the times so we should not be “cast-aways”; working out our salvation with fear and trembling (a rare attribute in today’s Church world - see Phlp. 2:12 ), for narrow is the way. ( Mt. 7:14; top ) We should never boast that we know we have arrived spiritually.

This end-time body of believers, destined to be a glorious Church, cannot fashion themselves as per their denominational traditions, as it is Jesus, the head of the body, that refines and shapes this body with the vintage of new wine which no present day wineskin can contain, nor understand. Human wisdom cannot comprehend this body’s ultimate beauty and oneness of spirit, nor engineer its breathtaking intimacy with Jesus and the Father.

Can we picture this profound creation of an all-holy God, void of envy, strife, politics, position seeking, raising of monies and exalting of ministries; the vice-president walking hand in hand with the beggars, the deacons polishing the crowns of the lepers, the famous evangelist content with being a doorkeeper in this house of the Lord, joyfully working overtime to open the doors for widows, orphans and molested children. Oh! My!

The “nail-printed” hands have gently but firmly fashioned a new creature of radiant and extravagant beauty, ready to prostrate themselves in adoration before Him who redeemed them from the sludge of darkness into the blinding brilliance of His glorious light.

(No fee can be charged for this seminar.)

144. Substitutes π 146. Old Testament Credibility
The End Time Men

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