Pronounced: hen-ot'-ace
From hice [1520]; oneness, that is, (figuratively) unanimity.
Occurs 2 times in 2 verses.
Entries following the reference are those used in the New Testament - Greek/English/Strong’s Interlinear.
- Beyond Expectation - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus’ entire ministry could be described as little more than a series of incidents designed to confront the hidden false expectations everyone had of Him.
- The Call for Unity - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The call for unity that is sounding forth from so many among professed followers of Christ today is genuine – but it is dangerous.
- Coming Out and Moving On - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Failing to come completely out of the “rabbit hole” can be as lethal as simply and blindly remaining asleep in the depths of the “church” pit.
- From the Word – Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Apologetics is a good thing, right?
- Furthering the Kingdom - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Practical steps toward seeing the kingdom of God established among us.
- Our Heavenly Calling in Christ - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Our heavenly calling in Christ requires a balance of deeper and more accurate knowledge of exactly what God has done for and given to us accompanied by our diligent obedience and spiritually mature attentiveness to the responsibilities He has placed upon us.
- Spectrums: “Church” or Ekklesia - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Any individual, whether the worst kind of evil villain or the best kind of saint or hero, is a combination of both good and bad characteristics – so why are led to believe that an assembly, which is made up of many individuals, must be either merely “good” or “bad” and not some mixture of both?
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