12.3 Revival And War On Satan


Chapter 12: Revival Dawn and the Baptism of the Spirit

from War On the Saints
by Jesse Penn-Lewis

All this, and much else already dealt with in preceding pages, together with the after history of all Revivals of the past, shows that REVIVAL MINUS WAR ON SATAN AND HIS WICKED SPIRITS, must always appear to end in partial failure through the mixed results, consequent upon Satanic counterfeits of the working of the Holy Spirit. The Church, therefore, sorely needs believers equipped with knowledge and discernment, to meet the Satanic counterfeits which invariably follow the advent of Revival, knowing the symptoms of Satanic deception and possession, and able to resist the powers of darkness, and teach the children of God the way of victory over them, as well as the aggressive warfare upon them. War upon the attacking spirits of evil is indispensable for maintaining the health, sanity and spiritual power of those who are revived.

A PURE REVIVAL - free from the usual aftermath - IS POSSIBLE if the Church understood the truth about the powers of darkness, as well as the way of co-operation with the Holy Spirit. Apart from this same knowledge of the workings of Satan and his wicked spirits, so as to be able to recognize their presence under any guise, no one can with safety accept all the supernatural manifestations which accompany Revival, or believe all seeming "Pentecostal power" to be of God. A PURE Revival is Divine power in full operation, minus sin and Satan. It is not cold "belief," but life, and it has to do with the spirit, not the intellect.

[12.2] Why Revival Stops
[12.4] Prayer For Revival
12: Revival Dawn and the Baptism of the Spirit - Table of Contents
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