War On the Saints (unabridged edition)

Jesse Penn-Lewis

Chapter 3. Deception by Evil Spirits in Modern Times

Table of Contents
3.1 - Can "Honest Souls" Be Deceived?
3.2 - Faithfulness to Light Not Sufficient Safeguard Against Deception
3.3 - The Baptism of the Holy Ghost
3.4 - Is the Phrase Obeying "The Spirit" Scriptural?
3.5 - The True Work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer
3.6 - The Peril of the Time of the Baptism of the Spirit
3.7 - Why the Baptism of the Spirit Is a Special Time of Danger
3.8 - The Need for Examination of Theories
3.9 - The Spiritual Believer Exhorted to "Judge All Things"
3.10 - Expressions, "Views," Doctrines, Need To Be Examined
3.11 - The Place of Truth in Deliverance
3.12 - The Safety of a Neutral Attitude to All Supernatural Manifestations
3.13 - Mistaken Conception About the Shelter of the Blood
3.14 - Mistaken Conceptions Concerning "Waiting For The Spirit"
3.15 - Why Waiting Meetings Are Profitable To Evil Spirits
3.16 - The Dangers of Coined Phrases to Express Spiritual Truths
Chapter 2. The Satanic Confederacy of Wicked Spirits
Chapter 4. Passivity the Chief Basis of Possession
Table of Contents π Topical Index
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