But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. |
“But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. |
‘Yet this you do have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. |
But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. |
Yet you have this [in your favor and to your credit]: you hate the works of the Nicolaitans [what they are doing as corrupters of the people], which I Myself also detest. |
But this you do have. You hate the works of the Nicolaitanes which [works] I also hate. |
Yet you have this to your credit, that you hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I Myself detest. |
But you have it to your credit that you hate what the Nicolaitans are doing, as I do too. |
But 235 this 5124 thou hast, 2192 that 3754 thou hatest 3404 the 3588 deeds 2041 of the 3588 Nicolaitans, 3531 which 3739 I also 2504 hate. 3404 |
- No cross references or parallel passage have been cited for this verse.
- An Admittedly Flawed System - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Some people are able to admit that the “church” system is flawed – but what does that really mean?
- Against the Night; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Colson); Neil Girrard Chuck Colson’s excellent spiritual and political analysis of a decade ago are marred by his own presupposed paradigms.
- Answers to Questions About Churchianity vs. the Church - Jim Baumgaertel/Neil Girrard Jim Baumgaertel asks all the right questions and Neil Girrard gives the answers which God has revealed to him.
- Assembling Together; Lords of Darkness - Neil Girrard It has been rightly said that our relationship with Christ has two elements - vertical and horizontal.
- Babylonian Captivity - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The “pastor” in the pulpit on a platform paradigm is the heart and soul of the deceptions that keep the “church” in its Babylonian captivity.
- The Basis of Unity - Neil Girrard The basis of our unity today is not to be found anywhere else but in Christ.
- Beware of the Visible - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) There are those who set great stock on “the signs that will follow” the believer - and they are indeed precious promises. But are they the whole counsel of God?
- But I Met God There - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The fact that God has met many a soul within the walls of a “church” building should not be a source of confusion as to who the real architect of the “church” is.
- But the Building Is Just a Tool - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A Scriptural look at the deceptive practice of “church” buildings.
- 5. The Christian Life in a United Church - Part 2; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard We now return to the floor-tilting quotes we laid on the table in the previous section.
- 6. The Christian Life in a United Church - Part 3; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard Morrison unleashes, to the best of his ability (and for his time and season – 1951!), his imagination toward what a unified ekklesia would look and be like.
- Church Home - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Modern Christianity tells us we need a “church home.” What is a “church home”? Do we really need one?
- Come! - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If ever we needed to see in a text who is speaking, who is being spoken to and what is being said, this portion of the Revelation would stand as one of the more paramount passages for our day.
- Come Out From Among Them - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Why, at the end of His explanation of the parable of the wheat and the tares, did Jesus say, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”?
- Coming Out and Moving On - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Failing to come completely out of the “rabbit hole” can be as lethal as simply and blindly remaining asleep in the depths of the “church” pit.
- Compel Them to Come - Neil Girrard If we want to draw people into the house of our Father, we must have - and be - something different to compel them to want to return.
- 10. Conclusions; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard Clayton Morrison’s book is probably best read for the conversation it leads into.
- Credulous: A Review - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Andrea Lingle’s book provides a real grappling with real-life problems all throughout the book and deposits very few detractions from a frank, refreshingly objective examination of the author’s spiritual journey through the minefield of “church.”
- The Desire To See - Neil Girrard Among those who have heard and obeyed God’s call to “Come out” of organized, institutional apostate churchianity, there remains a strong desire to more clearly see the ekklesia, God’s people, come together and interact in loving service to one another and to know that we are doing our part in Christ’s body.
- Displacing Christ; Lords of Darkness - Neil Girrard To get away from preconceptions as to who and what the spirit of antichrist is, it may be helpful to call him the ruler of displacing Christ.
- 3. The Ecumenical Awakening - Part 2; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard If we can understand the reason the Reformers failed to enter into the unity of the Spirit of God, perhaps we can come to grips with why we, as Christ’s followers today, are still failing to enter into that unity.
- Ephesians: Paul’s Time Capsule - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Some Bible scholars insist that Ephesians is merely a general letter for all believers - others question the authenticity of Paul’s authorship because Paul’s usual inclusion of eschatology (the study of prophesied end-times events) is absent. What is the real story and why is it so vitally important for us to understand Paul’s intent today?
- Error and Deception - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The phrase “the error of Balaam” opens up what God has to say to those who live in the days of deception prior to His return.
- Follow or Duplicate? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus and Paul both said “Follow me…” Didn’t they?
- From the Word – Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Apologetics is a good thing, right?
- Furthering the Kingdom - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Practical steps toward seeing the kingdom of God established among us.
- Gaining True Spiritual Maturity - Neil Girrard When we try to gain spiritual maturity by our own efforts, we usually make things worse, not better – why is that?
- A Game of Words - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Words are the transportation device of the enemy of our souls and most Christians don’t know how successful he’s been at robbing us of our heritage in Christ.
- God? - Neil Girrard What do we say to the growing number of people who no longer want anything to do with God because of their past “church” experiences?
- Hijacked! - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) We do not normally associate the term “hijacked” with the New Testament yet this is precisely what has happened and is happening.
- Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau: Three of Satan’s Stooges - Neil Girrard The U.S. is little more than the acting out of the philosophies of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau but most Americans don’t know what these philosophers said or why that might be important to them as followers of Christ.
- How to Be a Local Ekklesia: or, Where the House “Church” Movement Failed - Neil Girrard The house “church” failed to attain to the three core elements of true ekklesia and has, for the most part, already devolved into yet another hardened wineskin.
- I Have Not Sent Them – Neil Girrard By what means can we test the men and women who come along claiming to be “apostles” sent by the Lord to proclaim the way of the Lord?
- 7. The Illusion of Restorationism; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard In this chapter, Morrison exposes his personal bias against “restorationist groups.”
- The Importance of Christ - Neil Girrard Christ is the King, the Absolute Monarch, over those who claim to be His – so why isn’t He obeyed?
- In the Way - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The parable of the wheat and the tares holds a unique place in the New Testament.
- Like a Flood - Neil Girrard Truth is not an option in the believer’s life - a prophecy by Isaiah sheds light on the coming apostasy.
- 9. Loyalty and Freedom in a United Church; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard Morrison was a man of depth - but he also demonstrated a spiritual schizophrenia.
- Many Deceptions and The Lie - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) How do we reconcile the difference between the many New Testament prophecies that speak of a plurality, even a multiplicity, of deceptions with Paul’s reference to a single lie that carries severe, eternal consequences for those who come under its power?
- The Missing Piece of the Puzzle - Neil Girrard Jesus told us, if we have ears to hear, that we would need a “new” way to view ourselves in the end times.
- The Mother of Abominations - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) “Mystery Babylon” encompasses more than most people realize.
- No Good Thing - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) It is a great day in the Lord when we finally learn there is no good thing in our flesh – but what will it take for us to learn that there is no good thing in the “church”?
- Nothing New - Neil Girrard A look at how the devil’s strategies to entrap the body of Christ really haven’t changed over the centuries.
- One Hundred and Seven Theses - Steve Camp Christianity today is increasingly dominated by the spirit of this age rather than the Spirit of Christ. We call ourselves to repent of this sin and to recover the historic Christian faith in the arts again.
- One Small Hiccup: Chip Brogden’s The Church in the Wilderness - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A nearly flawless work of spiritual insights and wisdom is unfortunately marred by one expression of the author’s opinions – but don’t let that stop you from buying or reading the book for yourself!
- 11. Organization: Necessary and Dangerous (Part 3); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Tozer gives a classic example of the slippery slope method of reaching false conclusions, an error he does not often make.
- Our Heavenly Calling in Christ - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Our heavenly calling in Christ requires a balance of deeper and more accurate knowledge of exactly what God has done for and given to us accompanied by our diligent obedience and spiritually mature attentiveness to the responsibilities He has placed upon us.
- The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Wedding Maids - Neil Girrard Centuries of foolish and even demonic paradigms have distorted the clear meaning behind Jesus’ words in this parable.
- The Paradigm Shift - Neil Girrard A response to some of Steve Camp’s 107 Theses addressing the issues of what it really means to be the church.
- The Passing Darkness - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The reason mainline denominations are dying out is blatantly obvious for those who have eyes to see.
- Pastor, Bishop or Nicolaitan Overlord? - Neil Girrard Is the “pastor” a real New Testament office or a 1st century religious construct?
- Pastors - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) What is a pastor? Why is the “pastor” so central to “church”?
- The Perfect Church - Neil Girrard All those who subscribe to the “church” paradigm believe they have their hands on the whole counsel of God - yet, it is precisely this blind grip on partial truths that gives the “church” paradigm its lethal power over those who believe in it.
- 10. The Perils of the Preacher (Part 1); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard One of the clearest instances where Tozer saw things as they were but was unable to rightly label what he was seeing.
- Pyramid or Team Yoking - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) One of the most damaging paradigms in the spiritual realms is that of authority.
- Q and the Next[?] Red Pill; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A spiritual Christian perspective of a particular aspect of the Christian influence found in the Q posts.
- Responding to the Apostasy - Neil Girrard As the great falling away from the faith unfolds all around us, what response should we make?
- Same Old Story: Montanus vs. Ignatius of Antioch - Neil Girrard “Church” splits are almost as old as church history – and the first one reveals a lot of the errors we still practice today.
- Significant Differences - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) For those who have spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear, the differences between the kingdom of God and the “church” are as important as whether one worships God or worships an idol and the false demonic “god” behind it.
- Silence - Neil Girrard Why were the apostles and prophets silent when Constantine “Christianized” the Roman empire? Enlightening details from church history.
- Sitting at the Master’s Feet - Neil Girrard Mary’s choice to sit at Jesus’ feet gives us a picture of how what is most important in the genuine Christian life.
- Six / Twenty-Four / Five-Twenty B.C.; “Building the Temple” - Neil Girrard Obedience to the King, Christ Jesus, is not optional if we are going to co-labor with Him in building His temple, His body, His people.
- Spectrums: “Church” or Ekklesia - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Any individual, whether the worst kind of evil villain or the best kind of saint or hero, is a combination of both good and bad characteristics – so why are led to believe that an assembly, which is made up of many individuals, must be either merely “good” or “bad” and not some mixture of both?
- The Spirit of Religion or the Spirit of Truth? The Devil’s Counter-Offensive - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) How can you address a complex issue with simplicity?
- Spiritual But Not Religious - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) SBNR is a popular label among “emergent” generations. What does this label really mean?
- Spiritual Tyrants: How To Spot a Nicolaitan – Neil Girrard Nicolaitanism is perhaps the most pervasive error that plagues the “church” - from the mega-“church” to the house “church.” Some practical signposts point it out when we see it.
- The Standard of Perfection - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus said that we should be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect – so why aren’t we perfect?
- Still Close at Hand - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The call to repent because the kingdom of God is close at hand is still sounding because man is still wicked and sinful.
- 8. Surmounting Three Major Obstacles; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard Morrison again looks ahead to “a united church,” offering his ideas (compiled in the late 1940s) as to how to overcome what he saw as three major obstacles to “ecumenical unity.”
- Tag Team; Lords of Darkness - Neil Girrard The demonic excels at what it does precisely because they do work together in their vast scams against humanity.
- Tags Come Second - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Some people want to believe that “denominational tags” are permissible and harmless and even irrelevant. Really?
- Those Who Despise and Reject Authority - Neil Girrard Though many people leaving the “church” are accused of rebelling against authority – and Peter’s and Jude’s prophecies are used - this is only a misrepresentation of the real meanings in these prophecies.
- Three Fatal Flaws of Sam Soleyn’s “Spiritual Oversight” Teaching - Neil Girrard His teachings suffers from many spiritually fatal flaws. Beware!
- To See As God Sees - Neil Girrard Jesus wrote seven letters to seven “angels” – who was He writing to?
- Triumphant Overcoming - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If there is one word that has fallen from common usage in “Christian” circles, it would be the need to overcome.
- True Words - Neil Girrard Modern New Testament prophets - if there really is such a thing – must speak only “edification and exhortation and comfort to men.” Right?
- Two or Three - Neil Girrard There are multiple layers of deception around the modern practice of “meeting.” Are we willing to face this?
- Unanimity - Neil Girrard God has been waiting for and working His people toward finally being content to sit back and stop trying to build anything for God.
- The Voice of Strangers - Neil Girrard The primary element that makes one’s voice that of a stranger is the very subtle strain of presuming oneself better or superior over others and most teachers who possess this strain either deny or justify it!
- War and Responsibility - Neil Girrard The responsibilities of those who are at war.
- Where Did the Prophets Go? - A Review - Neil Girrard The author of this book asks a good question but his answers fall far short of the full counsel of God.
- Why “Church”? - Neil Girrard Only a few are able to spiritually grasp the truth that the “church” is Satan’s ace card in his war against God’s plan to have a family, let alone ponder why he chose this particular strategy.
- Why Not One? - Neil Girrard Why has Christ’s High Priestly prayer that we would all be “one” remained unanswered?
- Why We Gather - Neil Girrard Why we first went to “church” is as important a question to answer as is why we left it.
- Zeitgeists: A Clash of Titans; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) One concept almost completely ignored by the “church’s” prophecy industry prognosticators is the existence and work of an age’s zeitgeist.