Gen. 3:15 π 1 Sam. 13:14 π Psa. 27:14 π Psa. 105:19 π Ezek. 12:25 π Gal. 4:4 π Phlp. 1:6 π Phlp. 3:8
Yes, God is always late by man’s standards; but He is right on time according to His own plan and purpose. And this is what makes it all the more frustrating to those who embrace His Word and promise. If only He would delay the promise until the time drew near for Him to fulfill it! Then perhaps we could bear up under it, for we would not have the Word of the promise to torment our impatient spirit.
But we have learned that this is all part of the training course. It is in this “waiting period” that we find time to do our best - to try, and fail, and try again. Or perhaps to try again and succeed, or at least assure ourselves that we have succeeded, only to come to still greater devastation when God comes on the scene and rejects our vain efforts to build His Kingdom. May we learn this important lesson once for all: that in our natural strength and wisdom we can do nothing, and that what things we consider to be successful must be laid aside as mere refuse, for the knowledge of Christ. ( Phlp. 3:8; top )
God gave Abraham the promise early, but fulfilled it late. As Abraham waited (and no doubt experienced much trial and frustration) he learned the ways of the Lord and became the father of the faithful for all generations to come.
God gave Joseph the promise early, and fulfilled it late. The “word” that Joseph embraced as a promise became the “word” that tried him severely. ( Psa. 105:19; top ) We need to remember this: the vision the Lord gives us becomes our trial. But that same “word” brought Joseph out of the dungeon to be a ruler and deliverer, and a sustainer of life to surrounding nations.
God gave David the promise early, and fulfilled it late. But the trials that he went through wrought in him a heart “after the heart of God.” ( 1 Sam. 13:14; top ) And the shepherd boy from Bethlehem became a shepherd-king over all Israel.
God gave the whole human race the promise early, and fulfilled it late. God promised that the “seed of the woman” would “bruise the serpent’s head.” ( Gen. 3:15 ) Men almost despaired of the promise, but “in the fullness of time” He came forth ( Gal. 4:4; top ):
“Late in time behold Him come...
Offspring of a virgin’s womb.”
No! God is not really late! Let us not submit to the pressure that is on God’s people these days “to get the job done.” God is faithful to
“watch over His Word to perform it.” (see
Ezek. 12:25
) He is not trying His best to get a job done, He is bringing forth a New Creation. We are His “workmanship,” the “masterpiece” that He is working on.
“Wait, I say, on the
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