49. Preach

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Rom. 1:4 π 1 Cor. 1:23 π 1 Cor. 2:2 π Gal. 6:14

“But we preach Christ crucified...” ( 1 Cor. 1:23; top )

The effect of Christ dying on the cross brings us salvation and also reconciliation, restoration and gifts; however we are not to preach these but to preach Christ and Him crucified. ( 1 Cor. 2:2; top ) Even though people at your seminars, conventions, or church may appear bored and void of interest or attention, they will be changed nevertheless. This preaching will reach into the spirit of man and change him spiritually. Spiritual changing power is energized by the cross and blood of Jesus, and when the cross is preached, spiritual changes take place.

We sometimes think that God is an over-indulgent Father, anxious to forgive us. The only provision for our forgiveness is in the brutality of the crucifixion; as we finally fully comprehend the price that God paid so we can be forgiven, then we are able to grasp His total, unselfish love, and we desire with utmost intensity to rid our life of shallowness and every sin.

We would rather talk about the benefits of the cross than the cross itself. At meetings we like to see people react to preaching, but it is much better for God to act to bring the conviction of sin so we can be cleansed. Then the real power can be manifested.

Paul’s understanding of the cross was bedrock: he wouldn’t get involved in superficial things that much of the church is involved in today. His proclamation was, “But God forbid that I should glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” ( Gal. 6:14 ) He knew anything less would not convict the church of its unholiness, and without holiness the church was totally inept. “...With power according to the Spirit of holiness.” ( Rom. 1:4; top ) It takes a revelation of God for us to realize what redemption really encompasses, and our carnal Christian state cannot totally comprehend what God has redeemed us from through the cross. When we finally see it, we will never be satisfied with our present apostasy. We will never be satisfied until we have let the cross purge us completely, Egos, promotions, denominations, ministries, oratory, intellectual prowess and religious status will fall away so that when we see Him we shall be like Him!

God be merciful to us!

Help us, Lord, to surrender to the cross!

48. July 27, 1984 π 50. Perils of Paul
The End Time Men

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