94. Obey

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Acts 5:32 π 2 Cor. 1:20 π Heb. 5:9

“And we are witnesses of these things, and so too is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to them that obey (not believe) Him.” ( Acts 5:32; top )

Disobedience and going the way of our self-will will always hurt and grieve Jesus and the Holy Spirit. When we insist on doing our own thing as Christians, we are disregarding the Holy Spirit’s directions and hurting Jesus. Once we can see in real spiritual clarity the devastating results of following our self will and that the end results are grieving Jesus, then we are finally on the road to being obedient and useful to Jesus and the Father.

The Holy Spirit and Jesus are constantly conscious of keeping a oneness with the Father. Many full gospel and evangelical Christians are rarely conscious of the possibility that they are evading and rejecting this kind of a relationship with the Trinity; as a result Jesus gets hurt and so do the desires of the Father, who desires that we should all be one.

Even though Peter’s denial of Jesus was obviously very profound, it is no different from our denying the will of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. However, Peter’s sensitivity to Jesus’ hurt caused him to weep bitterly.

Do we know this same sensitivity? Aren’t we often like a mangy, mud-covered, cloddy bull in the drawing room of an elegant mansion, absolutely insensitive to all the unholy results of our bumping into and messing up the entire décor supplied by the master architect?

This same lack of sensitivity keeps us from many of God’s promises, which were meant to be fulfilled. “All the promises of God in Him (in obedience to Him) are yes and in Him amen to the glory of God by us (by our obedience).” ( 2 Cor. 1:20; top )

The promises of God have no real, Godly, unselfish meaning to us until through complete obedient to Him we understand the real sensitivities of Jesus and the Holy Spirit (even though we have our minds soaked our minds with Scripture). Then the Scriptures become completely new to us, because we see them as God’s Spirit of Truth sees them. Prior to this, we only saw Scripture according the insensitivity of our carnal selfishness.

“And being made perfect He became the author of eternal salvation unto all that OBEY (not “believe”) Him.” ( Heb. 5:9; top )

93. Justification π 95. Living Sacrifices
The End Time Men

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