Come to Me

Neil Girrard
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[Chorus] Set your face toward the light. Do what you know is right.
Come to Me. I’ll set you free, cause you to walk in the light.

1. I don’t ask a stranger to obey My voice, I look only to My own sons,
To those who really know My name, who know the things I’ve done. [Chorus]

2. I know you think I’m just a Santa Claus, that I’ll wink as you pull My beard.
I just hope you know My cup is filled, My wrath is about to be spilled. [Chorus]

3. I called you out just to make you My own, to set your feet on high.
If you keep living in your sin, you make My death a lie. [Chorus]

4. I’ve already given you all you need for life and godliness.
Take up your cross and follow Me, I can accept no less. [Chorus]

5. Put away all of your prejudice, religion and your strife.
Come to Me and you will see I give abundant life. [Chorus]

[repeat 1st verse and chorus]

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