11.9 Knowledge Needed For Effective Prayer


Chapter 11: War upon the Powers of Darkness

from War On the Saints
by Jesse Penn-Lewis

Scriptures Referenced in This Section:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Eph. 6:18 π Rev. 20:1-3

It is essential that the believer understand the workings of the powers of darkness for effective prayer against them. Without knowledge they may be actively at work all around him, and he be unable to stop them by prayer BECAUSE HE IS UNCONSCIOUS OF THEIR PRESENCE, OR WHAT THEY ARE DOING. That this is true can be seen by the way the devil is working among God's people notwithstanding much prayer. They are not able to defeat him by prayer against his works, because they are unable to recognize them.

In the war upon the powers of darkness, prayer is the primary and mightiest weapon, both in

1) aggressive war upon them and their works;

2) in the deliverance of men from their power, and

3) against them as an hierarchy of powers opposed to Christ and His Church;

for the believer should pray against them, not only for himself, but for the whole Church ( Eph. 6:18; top ), and for the whole world, which in due time will be absolutely freed from their presence and power.

There is a systematic warfare of prayer possible against the kingdom of darkness, which would mean co-operation with the Spirit of God in the liberation of the Church, and hasten the ultimate binding of the great serpent, and casting him down to the pit. ( Rev. 20:1-3; top ) A material "chain" could not bind a supernatural being, and it may be that "the great strong angel" typifies the mystical "Christ"; consisting of the Head and members - the "Man-Child" caught up to the Throne - when the members will have been liberated from the power of the enemy, and then commissioned to lay hold of the Deceiver to cast him into the abyss, and shut him up for the thousand years.

[11.8] Evil Spirits Subject to the Believer Joined to the Living Christ
[11.10] The Angels' Ministration of War for the Saints
11: War upon the Powers of Darkness - Table of Contents
Table of Contents π Topical Index

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