11.21 Prayer And Action


Chapter 11: War upon the Powers of Darkness

from War On the Saints
by Jesse Penn-Lewis

Scriptures Referenced in This Section:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Ex. 3:10 π Dan. 10:13 π Lk. 2:26 π Acts 9:11 π Acts 10:7-8

The believer who has been patiently and persistently labouring in prayer, and conflict with the enemy, for others, must hold himself ready for action, for God may use the one who has prayed to be the instrument of the deliverance of the one prayed for. It is essential to have action as well as prayer. Many think it is quite enough to pray, because God is omnipotent; but God needs men to pray who are ready also to act. Cornelius prayed, and then acted in sending for Peter. ( Acts 10:7-8 ) Ananias had prayed about Paul, and then was sent to speak to him. ( Acts 9:11 ) Moses prayed for the deliverance of Israel, but he himself was called to be a great factor in the answer to his prayers. ( Ex. 3:10; top )

There is also a time for answered prayer ( Lk. 2:26 ), and there are hinderers to answered prayer. ( Dan. 10:13; top ) Those who pray for the deliverance of others, must have patience to plod in prayer for many days. There is sometimes a wrong thought in expecting a "flow" of prayer, if it is truly in the spirit. Because believers find no easy flow they cease to persevere in prayer, whereas prayer, when OPPOSED TO THE ENEMY, often means a hewing out words in a real fight against the hinderers to prayer. Believers must not expect those who are deeply deceived, to be delivered in a few weeks; for it may take months and even years of prayer. Contact with those who are being prayed for may hasten their deliverance, for the reason that God can work more quickly when He can use others to help immature Christians, when they do not understand. Indirectly, we answer our own prayers when we go to the ones we are praying for, and give them the light they need.

Patience and perseverance are needed, because, as we have seen, believers needing deliverance hinder through ignorance, when they side with evil spirits in believing their suggestions, and excuses; even whilst they sincerely desire to be liberated from their power.

[11.20] Other Aspects of the Prayer Warfare
[11.22] Prayer And Preaching
11: War upon the Powers of Darkness - Table of Contents
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