
David L. Williams
from Opening Spiritual Eyes

Often in Jesus’ parables, there is a hidden deeper meaning than the more obvious one. For example in the parable of the Ten Virgins, the five foolish ones ran low on oil for their lamps. The end result of the oil would be light for their path through the darkness on the way to the wedding. But note there, that they could not walk in another’s light. This shows our own responsibility to seek and keep light. Light is revelation of truth, and without it, even chosen virgins will not make it to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. Consider that the Israelites did not want to take on their own direct responsibility to God. Instead, they chose to walk in Moses’ light and floundered.

To some extent, we have turned our own responsibilities over to our teachers, just as the Israelites mistakenly did. At our judgment, we will not be able to blame the man God sent us for our own lack of light. This book is dedicated to show how to get fresh manna, light from above each day, for yourself.

We know faith comes by hearing, and hearing from the Word of God. But let’s look closer at that. All those who wrote parts of the Old Testament had no Bible. They heard directly from God, so they could write their part. We immediately think that “hearing the Word of God” means, the Bible, because it is rightly called the Word of God. But God is willing to speak directly to each of us even today, and that too, is the Word of God. Remember God’s command when Jesus came up out of the baptismal waters, was for us to hear Him! Jesus is the Word. Hear Him for yourself.

A Deeper Look at the Gospel
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