8. Forming Our Personalities

Opening Spiritual Eyes
David Williams

So children bicker with each other, vying for status. They soon learn to use shame as a tool on each other, in order to establish their position. They are practicing for their future set personality. In time, most of them learn to disguise the shaming, as they eventually learn it only brings the same back from others. So they will learn other ways to fulfill their vows to be seen as significant.

With all the above set in place, the child goes into its next phase of learning, finding a way to fit into the world outside his family. He is unaware that this is what he is trying to do, and finds himself merely leaning toward the ways that feel best as he learns to intermingle with his peers. He soon perceives that there are divisions of importance among them, and tries to fit in with the ones with whom he feels most comfortable. Even so, he has his eyes on people he feels are above him, and hopes to find a way to move up into their class. He becomes careful to not be seen with those he considers below him, as that might disqualify him from moving up. He has begun fulfilling his vow to show he is significant.

An exaggerated worry is present during this period over how he appears in the eyes of others, both in physical looks and in personality. He will learn to preface every word and deed with precaution to not seem rejectable. In time, this will become automatic, subconscious, and it will be a lifetime habit.

The pressure he feels is incessant. At any moment, he might do something that would expose what deep inside him, he feels is lacking. The belief down there that he is rejectable drives him to learn to act acceptable in every situation. He learns what brings good attention, and strives to make that happen. If he does do something to bring bad attention, he learns to do damage repair. He may act as though it really means nothing, or perhaps he departs the situation quickly, more or less evading it until it is hopefully forgotten.

These methods continue through the adolescent years, and refining is practiced until the child appears like he has his act together. And he does, for it is indeed an act. You can see from this that his personality has been formed out of fear and shame. In truth, this is not the personality he was designed by God to have. It is an act that he takes out into the world. And, unfortunately, should this child get saved, he takes this act right into his Christianity without knowing it.

Understand that everything that God designed for the child to be is still there. But, like Adam and Eve, the corruption of shame has been added. Most of the things that formed the defensive act have been forgotten. But if you try, you will remember at least one very important shameful thing that happened to you. Remember the hot red face, and how you wished no one else had seen the situation? You see, this is the power of shame.

Can you see why the devil wants to keep this information hidden? And hasn’t he done a successful job of it? Just think, the devil’s most powerful weapon has been there for us to see all these centuries, but we have missed it. Jesus showed us how to destroy this weapon for ourselves, and is now waiting for His Bride to accomplish the same thing. In its place, we will show how this is done.

Forming Our Iniquity π The Set Personality
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