1 Timothy 4:1

Greek/English Interlinear with Strong’s Numbers
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1 Tim. 4 - Greek/English/Strong’s Interlinear

King James Version

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
New King James Version

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,
New American Standard Bible

But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,
New International Version

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
The Amplified Bible

But the [Holy] Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that in latter times some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach.
Wuest’s Expanded Translation

But the Spirit says expressly that in the last strategic, epochal periods of time some will depart from the Faith, giving heed to spirits that lead one into error, and to teachings of demons,
Phillips’ Modern English

God’s Spirit specifically tells us that in later days there will be men who abandon the true faith and allow themselves to be spiritually seduced by teachings of demons,
Williams’ Language of the People

Now the Spirit distinctly declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, because they continuously give their attention to deceiving spirits and the things that demons teach.
KJV with Strong’s Numbers

Now 1161 the 3588 Spirit 4151 speaketh 3004 expressly, 4490 that 3754 in 1722 the latter 5306 times 2540 some 5100 shall depart from 868 the 3588 faith, 4102 giving heed 4337 to seducing 4108 spirits, 4151 and 2532 doctrines 1319 of devils; 1140
1 Tim. 3:16 π 1 Tim. 4:2
Scriptures π 1 Timothy

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Writings on the Paidion Books Site
That Reference This Scripture

  1. An Admittedly Flawed System - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Some people are able to admit that the “church” system is flawed – but what does that really mean?

  2. The Adversary and His Origin: His Names: His Kingdom: His Organized Government, and His Religion; The Warfare With Satan and the Way of Victory - Jesse Penn-Lewis Before we can apprehend the meaning of the urgent call to overcome, sent to His people by the Risen Lord through His Apostle John, it is necessary that we should unveil the Prince of darkness and his kingdom.

  3. Against the Night; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Colson); Neil Girrard Chuck Colson’s excellent spiritual and political analysis of a decade ago are marred by his own presupposed paradigms.

  4. All In - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many so-called “Christians” rely on their “fire insurance” religiosity – is this wise? Safe?

  5. Answers to Questions About Churchianity vs. the Church - Jim Baumgaertel/Neil Girrard Jim Baumgaertel asks all the right questions and Neil Girrard gives the answers which God has revealed to him.

  6. Apostasy or Rapture - Neil Girrard Where do these words come from? And which comes first? Why is it important?

  7. The Basis of Unity - Neil Girrard The basis of our unity today is not to be found anywhere else but in Christ.

  8. Beyond Expectation - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus’ entire ministry could be described as little more than a series of incidents designed to confront the hidden false expectations everyone had of Him.

  9. The Call for Unity - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The call for unity that is sounding forth from so many among professed followers of Christ today is genuine – but it is dangerous.

  10. A Clever Scheme - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Getting us to go to “church” is perhaps the most clever way the devil has yet concocted to keep us from assembling together.

  11. Come Out From Among Them - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Why, at the end of His explanation of the parable of the wheat and the tares, did Jesus say, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”?

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  13. Deception in Connection with the Supernatural Realm; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The danger is spiritual because “Christians” are carnal.

  14. Demoniacal Activity in Later Times; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis An excerpt from “Spirit Manifestations” by Sir Robert Anderson.

  15. The Desire To See - Neil Girrard Among those who have heard and obeyed God’s call to “Come out” of organized, institutional apostate churchianity, there remains a strong desire to more clearly see the ekklesia, God’s people, come together and interact in loving service to one another and to know that we are doing our part in Christ’s body.

  16. The Detection of Visions from God or Satan; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Apart from the “visions” which are the result of disease, the detection of Divine from Satanic visions depends a great deal upon knowledge of the Word of God, and the fundamental principles of His working in His children.

  17. Do Not Yield - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many “Christian” leaders demand blind obedience from their followers but what does the New Testament really say about obeying men?

  18. Doing the Will of God - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A study in the New Testament about the importance of doing the will of God.

  19. 3. Elymas the Sorcerer; The Sons of the Devil - Neil Girrard Paul expressly singles out Elymas as a son of the devil.

  20. Enemies of the King - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Far too often we do not take seriously just who and what is considered the enemy of God.

  21. Ephesians: Paul’s Time Capsule - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Some Bible scholars insist that Ephesians is merely a general letter for all believers - others question the authenticity of Paul’s authorship because Paul’s usual inclusion of eschatology (the study of prophesied end-times events) is absent. What is the real story and why is it so vitally important for us to understand Paul’s intent today?

  22. 9. The Era of an Absentee God; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard One advantage gained from thinking of God as being absent is that we may assume that He is pleased with whatever we may be trying to do, as long as it is not downright wicked. There would seem to be no other way to account for the vast amount of religious nonsense being carried on these days in the name of the Lord.

  23. Error and Deception - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The phrase “the error of Balaam” opens up what God has to say to those who live in the days of deception prior to His return.

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  25. Evil Spirits Foretelling Through Mediums; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis In like manner as a “spirit of divination,” deceiving spirits can use “palmists,” and “fortune tellers,” to deceive.

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  45. Leaving “Church” Behind; To Follow Jesus in Spirit and TruthNeil Girrard (also on Paidion Books Home Page) If you're seeing discrepancies and differences between the New Testament and “church” - and not just your “church” but “church” practices in general - you are not alone by any means.

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  51. My Son, My Son; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The “spiritual fathering” teachers, from Paul and Peter calling Timothy, Titus, Onesimus and Mark their “sons,” have concocted a teaching that says that all men must have a “spiritual father” and any one who does not have one is an orphan who is destitute of any real place in the order and family of God. Is this the truth?

  52. The Necessity of Finding Fault - Neil Girrard Finding fault is not the sin some think it to be - it is an essential requirement of a godly life.

  53. Numbers Don’t Matter - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If numbers don’t matter in evaluating a particular “ministry,” why are its leaders so vocal about how many people they’re reaching?

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  55. One Small Hiccup: Chip Brogden’s The Church in the Wilderness - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A nearly flawless work of spiritual insights and wisdom is unfortunately marred by one expression of the author’s opinions – but don’t let that stop you from buying or reading the book for yourself!

  56. 3. Organization: Necessary and Dangerous (Part 2); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Parasitical organizations attached to the work of God is precisely what Jesus predicted.

  57. Our Heavenly Calling in Christ - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Our heavenly calling in Christ requires a balance of deeper and more accurate knowledge of exactly what God has done for and given to us accompanied by our diligent obedience and spiritually mature attentiveness to the responsibilities He has placed upon us.

  58. Our Threefold Enemy - Neil Girrard Those who would have us fight only the flesh leave us blind to our defenses against the demonic and the world and to the offensive weapons God has given us that we might obtain His objectives.

  59. Out of “Church” - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Coming out of “church” is a lot more than just leaving the building and no longer sitting at the feet of the “man of God” behind his pulpit.

  60. The Paradigm Shift - Neil Girrard A response to some of Steve Camp’s 107 Theses addressing the issues of what it really means to be the church.

  61. A Part of Christ - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The people who are “the Church,” are part of Christ, right?

  62. Pleasing Men - Neil Girrard Few recognize just how subtle pleasing men can be – and how it keeps us from obeying God.

  63. The Promise of Eternal Life - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Juan Ponce de Leon’s pursuit of the fountain of youth in the 1500s is very comparable to modern “Christianity’s” ideas on how to gain eternal life.

  64. “Questions About Churchianity” and “Four Ways Christians Are Deceived” - Jim Baumgaertel A couple of articles by Jim Baumgaertel asking the right questions and finding the right answers.

  65. Reform Is Not an Option - Neil Girrard The “church” needs changed but will it submit to what is really needed?

  66. Responding to the Apostasy - Neil Girrard As the great falling away from the faith unfolds all around us, what response should we make?

  67. Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many teachers reduce Paul’s instruction to Timothy to merely “understanding” the word of truth – but what if the Holy Spirit really meant “divide” the word of truth?

  68. Satan’s Scriptural Strategies - Neil Girrard Satan’s strategies to oppose, cripple and even destroy the people of Christ are taken straight from the pages of Scripture.

  69. Separate - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) One can believe in all the “essential doctrines” of Christianity but if one speaks out against the ills and evils of “church” and organized, institutional “Christian” religion, then that one simply cannot possibly be a brother in Christ. What?

  70. A Slippery Slope - Neil Girrard Like Francis Schaeffer's How Shall We Then Live?, Frank Viola's wonderful historical analysis in Pagan Christianity is tainted by the short-comings of the last chapter.

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  72. Sound Doctrine; Lords of Darkness - Neil Girrard Scripture tells us exactly what “sound doctrine” and it is relevant to all people who name the name of Christ.

  73. Spectrums: “Church” or Ekklesia - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Any individual, whether the worst kind of evil villain or the best kind of saint or hero, is a combination of both good and bad characteristics – so why are led to believe that an assembly, which is made up of many individuals, must be either merely “good” or “bad” and not some mixture of both?

  74. Spiritual But Not Religious - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) SBNR is a popular label among “emergent” generations. What does this label really mean?

  75. Spiritual Fathers – 1 Corinthians 4:15; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) From a very scant Scriptural base, a whole system of teaching has evolved that concocts a “one size fits all” false doctrine that results in tyranny, oppression, persecution, exclusion, favoritism and a host of other evils.

  76. Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness in the Heavenly Places; Lords of Darkness - Neil Girrard With the exception of the devil himself, the spiritual hosts of wickedness - called demons and unclean or evil spirits in the Gospels - were the first Satanic entities with which Jesus had to contend.

  77. Tag Team; Lords of Darkness - Neil Girrard The demonic excels at what it does precisely because they do work together in their vast scams against humanity.

  78. Tags Come Second - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Some people want to believe that “denominational tags” are permissible and harmless and even irrelevant. Really?

  79. Teachers - Neil Girrard Teachers are a part of the body of Christ - and a prominent part of the apostasy. So which is which?

  80. Those Who Despise and Reject Authority - Neil Girrard Though many people leaving the “church” are accused of rebelling against authority – and Peter’s and Jude’s prophecies are used - this is only a misrepresentation of the real meanings in these prophecies.

  81. Three Lies - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Three lies currently in vogue in various “Christian” circles, at first, seem to be unrelated to one another but in reality share very similar roots.

  82. Too Deeply - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many Christian leaders today act as if exhortation is offensive and that the philosophy of offending anyone does not come from the Bible.

  83. Triumphant Overcoming - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If there is one word that has fallen from common usage in “Christian” circles, it would be the need to overcome.

  84. The True Body of Christ - Neil Girrard Just what is the true body of Christ and in what manner does one go about seeking to find those that are like-minded?

  85. The True Tabernacle - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Scripture says there is a true tabernacle of Christ. What are the differences between the true one and the false ones?

  86. True Words - Neil Girrard Modern New Testament prophets - if there really is such a thing – must speak only “edification and exhortation and comfort to men.” Right?

  87. Unanimity - Neil Girrard God has been waiting for and working His people toward finally being content to sit back and stop trying to build anything for God.

  88. The Unity of the Spirit - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Only when He is our King, indeed our all – first individually and then corporately – can we ever hope to experience what Paul called “the unanimity of the Spirit of God.”

  89. 2. The Vital Place of the Church; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Tozer’s teachings exposes his own “church” paradigm and opens up the truth for us today.

  90. The Voice of God - Neil Girrard Hearing the voice of God has more to do with following Christ than most seem to realize.

  91. Voices - Neil Girrard There are literally thousands of Christian writers pumping out new books, each year, with their own individual visions of the future, of the present and even of the past. What does this tell us?

  92. 4. The Wasp and the Church Member (Part 1); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Tozer asks great questions! But if anyone else were to ask them, the most likely response will be “Oh, he’s just bitter – he’s been hurt!”

  93. 6. The Way of Christ Is Still Narrow; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Tozer, writing around 1960, gives testimony here of a quick but dramatic transformation in the practice of following Christ.

  94. Where Do You Go To Church? - Neil Girrard This seemingly innocent question covers a whole lot of territory.

  95. Where Should I Go To Church? - Neil Girrard This important - but ignorant - question deserves to be answered.

  96. Whose Side Are We On? - Neil Girrard ) - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Everyone who is of the truth hears Jesus’ voice. Did He mean it? Did He lie? Was He mistaken?

  97. The Will of God - Neil Girrard Total surrender to God is not optional - especially in understanding the truths of the Bible.

  98. WWJD?: What Would Jesus Do? - Neil Girrard “What Would Jesus Do?” is big business. But is it Christ? A look at the local media's surprisingly discerning treatment of current “church” trends.

  99. 2. Your Father the Devil; The Sons of the Devil - Neil Girrard Anyone who is a tool in the hands of Satan for any kind of divisiveness and destruction or who imitates the arrogance and rebellious nature of Satan is simply a son of Satan, a tare among the wheat.

  100. Zeitgeists: A Clash of Titans; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) One concept almost completely ignored by the “church’s” prophecy industry prognosticators is the existence and work of an age’s zeitgeist.
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