Pronounced: dahee-mon'-ee-on
Neuter of a derivative of daimon [1142]; a demonic being; by extension a deity.
Occurs 60 times in 52 verses.
Entries following the reference are those used in the New Testament - Greek/English/Strongs Interlinear.
- Mt. 7:22 demons
- 1 Cor. 10:21 of demons (2x)
- 1 Tim. 4:1 of demons
- Rev. 9:20 demons
- Mt. 9:33 @
- Mt. 9:34 @
- Mt. 10:8 @
- Mt. 11:18 @
- Mt. 12:24 @
- Mt. 12:27 @
- Mt. 12:28 @
- Mt. 17:18 @
- Mk. 1:34 @
- Mk. 1:39 @
- Mk. 3:15 @
- Mk. 3:22 @
- Mk. 6:13 @
- Mk. 7:26 @
- Mk. 7:29 @
- Mk. 7:30 @
- Mk. 9:38 @
- Mk. 16:9 @
- Mk. 16:17 @
- Lk. 4:33 @
- Lk. 4:35 @
- Lk. 4:41 @
- Lk. 7:33 @
- Lk. 8:2 @
- Lk. 8:27 @
- Lk. 8:30 @
- Lk. 8:33 @
- Lk. 8:35 @
- Lk. 8:38 @
- Lk. 9:1 @
- Lk. 9:42 @
- Lk. 9:49 @
- Lk. 10:17 @
- Lk. 11:14 @
- Lk. 11:15 @
- Lk. 11:18 @
- Lk. 11:19 @
- Lk. 11:20 @
- Lk. 13:32 @
- Jn. 7:20 @
- Jn. 8:48 @
- Jn. 8:49 @
- Jn. 8:52 @
- Jn. 10:20 @
- Jn. 10:21 @
- Acts 17:18 @
- 1 Cor. 10:20 @
- Jas. 2:19 @
- Demonics - Neil Girrard Can a Christian be demonized? Can a pastor be demonized? The answer might surprise you.
- Demonized - Neil Girrard A look at what the Scriptures teach - and do not teach - about a believer being possessed of a demon.
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