Titles Index


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  1. Hand in Hand - Neil Girrard Holiness and love are inseparably linked.

  2. Have a Mind to Suffer; The Character of God’s Workman - Watchman Nee All who serve God need to have a mind to suffer.

  3. Have You Ever Wondered?; Men Called Him Master - Elwyn Allen Smith This book takes you right into Jesus’ world so that you can hear His conversations with the disciples and watch the things they did.

  4. Have You Forgotten? - Neil Girrard Have we forgotten what the gospel of Jesus Christ is about?

  5. He Controls Our Everything; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer God has never left the throne.

  6. Hearing From God; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer Most Christians develop their Christian walk according to their own personal feelings and temperament, rather than through the Spirit of truth they received at the new birth.

  7. Heart Trouble; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer Let us let God’s merciful, gentle, gracious, tender heart choose what is good for us. It will always be better than our hardened heart’s desire.

  8. The Heifer; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer A seemingly nice, quiet and gentle-dispositioned heifer fights stubbornly against the return trip to a pen where there is free water, food, friends and protection.

  9. Here Am I, O Lord - Send Me - Neil Girrard God still desires a willing heart – are we available?

  10. Heredity; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer To say the new birth makes us instantaneously holy or righteous is unholy and erroneous.

  11. Heroes of Faith; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer Hebrews 11 is describing people prepared and prompted by God’s preordained directions so they could fulfill His will.

  12. Hey Laodicea - Neil Girrard What Jesus said to the ekklesia of Laodicea is much more relevant today than most imagine.

  13. Hidden “Pastor”-isms or, Once a “Pastor,” Always a “Pastor”? - Neil Girrard When a “pastor” exits the “church,” it will be very easy for him to underestimate how difficult it will be for him to be a real person again after having been a “pastor.”

  14. Hijacked! - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) We do not normally associate the term “hijacked” with the New Testament yet this is precisely what has happened and is happening.

  15. An Historical Indictment - Neil Girrard A quote from Alexis de Tocqueville points to the truth about the United States as a “Christian” nation.

  16. History Revisited - Neil Girrard Yet again, those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

  17. Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau: Three of Satan’s Stooges - Neil Girrard The U.S. is little more than the acting out of the philosophies of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau but most Americans don’t know what these philosophers said or why that might be important to them as followers of Christ.

  18. 3. Hold Fast the Head; The Body of Christ: A Reality - Watchman Nee God has given the total Christ to us and has joined us intimately with His Son. All the power of our existence rests in Christ.

  19. The Holy Spirit; The Normal Christian Life - Watchman Nee The personal presence and ministry of the Holy Spirit of God lies at the heart of all our experience as the vitalizing power of effective life and service.

  20. The Holy Spirit Revealing Christ in Heaven; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Another aspect of the true Baptism of the Spirit is that the revelation of Christ given by the Holy Spirit was of Christ as the glorified Man in heaven and not in any vision or manifestation as a Person within.

  21. The Holy Trinity; The Knowledge of the Holy - A.W. Tozer An insightful discussion of the Trinity in Unity.

  22. Hope For Tomorrow - Neil Girrard Jesus is the only true hope for today and tomorrow.

  23. How Believers Ignore the Human Spirit; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Many believers are not intelligently conscious that they have a “spirit” or else they imagine that every experience which takes place in the realm of their senses is spirit or “spiritual.”

  24. How Christ Is Revealed by the Holy Spirit - Not Through the Intellect!; When He Is Come - A.W. Tozer From a collection of 10 sermons on the Holy Spirit.

  25. How Demons Attack Advanced Believers; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Extracts from an article contributed to an American paper and reprinted in “The Christian.” Author unknown.

  26. How Do We Know? Bible Bullet: John 16:13 - Neil Girrard Is it even possible to know truth? How will we know if what we know is truth and not just opinions?

  27. How “Eld” Must an Elder Be? - Neil Girrard A Scriptural look at the role of elders in the local assembly.

  28. How Evil Spirits Adapt Their Guidance to Their Victim; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Deceiving spirits carefully adapt their suggestions and leadings to the idiosyncrasies of the believer, so that they do not get found out; i.e., no “leading” will be suggested contrary to any strong truth of God firmly rooted in the mind, or contrary to any special bias of the mind.

  29. How Evil Spirits Cause Believers to Resist the Truth They Need; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Sometimes the truth which is meant to, and does deliver the deceived one in spite of all that appears to the contrary, is used as a whip to beat him, by the lying spirits in possession.

  30. How Evil Spirits Deceive – Column 1; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Taking the columns one by one we shall see how subtly the evil spirit works, first to deceive, and then to gain access to the mind or body, or both, of the believer.

  31. How Far Is Too Far? - Neil Girrard The needs of the ones are more immediate than the needs of the 99. But how far should we go in rescuing these ones?

  32. How Jesus Dealt With Each Type; Lords of Darkness - Neil Girrard Anybody - even Satan or anyone under the sway of the demonic - can quote Scripture at you.

  33. How the Adversary Was Conquered at Calvary. The Proclamation of the Conquest Throughout His Dominions.; The Warfare With Satan and the Way of Victory - Jesse Penn-Lewis Let us now see how God planned to deliver the earth from the power of the fallen archangel.

  34. How the Evil Spirits Deceive by “Doctrines”; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Teaching is a much more prevalent way for the demonic to influence followers of Christ than most people realize.

  35. How to Be a Local Ekklesia: or, Where the House “Church” Movement Failed - Neil Girrard The house “church” failed to attain to the three core elements of true ekklesia and has, for the most part, already devolved into yet another hardened wineskin.

  36. How to Detect Evil Spirit’s Interference With the Mind; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis To detect the working of evil spirits upon the mind, let the believer note the way in which his “thoughts” come.

  37. How to Detect the Source of a Voice; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis To detect which is the “voice of God,” and which is the “voice of the devil,” we need to understand that the Holy Spirit alone is charged to communicate the will of God to the believer, and that He works from within the spirit of the man enlightening the understanding.

  38. How to Detect the Source of “Texts” Supernaturally Spoken; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The “voice of the devil” as an angel of light is more difficult to detect, especially when it comes with wonderful strings of texts which makes it appear like the voice of the Holy Spirit.

  39. How to Get Power; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer The disciples didn’t proclaim their power into being, nor did they promote it into a reality. God, in His sovereign purpose and plan, gave it to them.

  40. How to Miss God; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer It is quite easily accomplished, as Christians from all ages have usually left their first love rather early in their Christian walk.

  41. How to Survive; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer Three mountain climbers caught in a vicious snow storm provide a parable about finding life.

  42. How We Gather Bible Bullet: Matthew 18:20 - Neil Girrard More is better is an axiom to some. But is it the truth by which we are to gather in following Christ?

  43. The Human Spirit Co-Working With the Holy Spirit; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Walking “after the spirit,” and “minding the spirit,” does not only mean mind and body subservient to the spirit, but the man’s own spirit co-working with the Holy Spirit in the daily life, and all the occasions of life.

  44. The Humiliation of the Undeceiving Period; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis It requires a very deep allegiance to the truth for a believer to accept truth which cuts and humbles as readily as he accepts that which is agreeable.

  45. Hungry Hearts - Neil Girrard The darkness of this world cannot stop the heart that hungers for the Light that is shining.

  46. Hurt and Bitter - Neil Girrard The monstrous distortion that says, “That man is hurt and bitter – nothing he says could possibly be true or right.” is only an accusation most often leveled at prophets or other men of God who have something to say that is difficult for the listener to hear and receive.

  47. Hypocrisy: The Dread Disease of Frustration - Neil Girrard A Scriptural look at the effects of believing one thing and living out another.
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