2.10 Characteristics Of Evil Spirits


Chapter 2: The Satanic Confederacy of Wicked Spirits

from War On the Saints
by Jesse Penn-Lewis

Scriptures Referenced in This Section:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Mt. 8:28 π Mt. 8:29 π Mt. 8:31 π Mt. 12:43 π Mt. 12:44 π Mt. 12:45 π Mk. 1:25 π Mk. 1:26 π Mk. 3:11 π Mk. 3:11-12 π Mk. 5:4 π Mk. 5:8 π Mk. 5:9 π Mk. 9:25 π Lk. 8:31 π Acts 8:11 π Acts 16:16

What the characteristics of these wicked spirits are, and how they are able to dwell in the bodies and minds of human beings, will be seen by a careful examination of the specific cases mentioned in the Gospels; as well as their power to interfere with, mislead, and deceive, even servants of God, from references to them in other portions of the Word of God.

Evil spirits are generally looked upon as "influences," and not as intelligent beings, but their personality and entity, and difference in character as distinct intelligences, will be seen in the Lord's direct commands to them ( Mk. 1:25 ; 5:8 ; 3:11-12 ; 9:25 ); their power of speech ( Mk. 3:11 ); their replies to Him, couched in intelligent language ( Mt. 8:29 ); their sensibilities of fear ( Lk. 8:31 ); their definite expression of desire ( Mt. 8:31 ); their need of a dwelling place of rest ( Mt. 12:43 ); their intelligent power of decision ( Mt. 12:44 ); their power of agreement with other spirits; their degrees of wickedness ( Mt. 12:45 ); their power of rage ( Mt. 8:28 ); their strength ( Mk. 5:4 ); their ability to possess a human being, either as one ( Mk. 1:26 ) or in a thousand ( Mk. 5:9 ); their use of a human being as their medium for "divining," or foretelling the future ( Acts 16:16 ); or as a great miracle worker by their power. ( Acts 8:11; top )

[2.9] Christ Always Dealing With The Invisible Enemies
[2.11] The Rage and Wickedness of Evil Spirits
2: The Satanic Confederacy of Wicked Spirits - Table of Contents
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