David L. Williams
Scriptures Referenced in This Article:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Gen. 1:2; 2nd π Gen. 1:28 π Gen. 3:14 π Job 1:7 π Isa. 45:18 π Mt. 7:14 π Mt. 11:12; 2nd π Lk. 17:21 π Lk. 19:13 π Jn. 1:12 π Jn. 16:7

Sooner or later, Christianity must come to a deeper realization that each believer is in an invisible war. We pray “Thy Kingdom come,” but how many believers keep these words to heart? Or has it become just another ritual saying for many as part of a package we may have placed our religion in? It certainly is not unimportant for our enemy, who takes this very seriously. If we are just gliding through life without being conscious of constant spiritual warfare being waged against us, we are aiding our enemy, the devil. We might feel comfortable with our choice on how to go through life, but what if our choice isn’t the one our Lord desires we make, and perhaps it only falls within His permissive will, but not His preferred will?

When we invite Jesus into our heart, God takes that seriously. It is the very reason He sent His only begotten Son to be a sacrificial lamb in our place. Jesus’ Holy innocent blood was shed for a purpose, that it could cover our sins and transgressions. This is done in a way that does not seem to be fully under-stood by many Christians. We need to awaken to why the theme of blood runs through the entire Bible.

When the angel appeared to Mary, she was told that she had been chosen to birth the long-awaited Christ. When she agreed to that, Holy Spirit implanted the Seed of Jesus in her womb. Likewise, when we agree with our Father who Jesus is and accept Him into our heart, Holy Spirit implants a cell of Jesus’ shed blood into the middle of our being as our Passover covering. One of Holy Spirit’s offices is to remain with that cell to be our guide through life, bringing us all truth. Remember, Jesus told His disciples He must leave them, (to shed His blood at the cross,) for He could not send the Helper until then. ( John 16:7; top )

This may be a good time to read where the present Kingdom of God is, but from the old King James Bible. In Luke 17:21 , Jesus had just been asked when the Kingdom of God would come. He answered that it would not come with visible signs, “For the Kingdom of God is within you.” Most versions since have changed it to, “In your midst.” But the Greek dictionary does not give any other meaning than, “within.” Of course, there will be the future millennium Kingdom of God on earth as well, when Jesus comes to rule. ( top )

Born with no wisdom, we begin life with instinctive selfish demands. As we grow with experiences, we don’t realize our complaints against many life situations is the food that evil spirits feed on. Thus, we soon quench the God-breathed Spirit within us, rendering Him to very limited power. This means that the serious believer must at some point receive a refreshing, a baptizing of the Holy Spirit. Yet even when this is accomplished, few understand how to allow that combination to form a real Kingdom of God within our heart, our soul. (This placement is not in the physical heart, but right where the belly and the chest meet, the very center of our being. Just as God’s Temple was in Jerusalem, the very center of the world.)

“Type and shadow” is a Biblical pattern. Solomon showed us an important fact, that nothing is new under the sun. In this, we can see a “type” pattern of the Israelites’ difficult path on their way to the Promised Land. They were attacked by enemies the devil had placed along the way, then they attacked enemies to enter the Land, destroying strongholds and slaying giants within. Likewise, we follow a similar “type and shadow” pattern. After salvation, we encounter attacks to sidetrack us from God’s path. Then to enter our own “city made without hands” within, we enter the war with violence. ( Mt. 11:12; top )

We need to see there are enemy spirits already there in our heart who do not want to lose their strongholds to a Kingdom of the God whom they hate. They had a well-established method of taking over areas of our being without our even being aware it was happening, for they mostly performed this before we had the knowledge and wisdom to deny them. Note that John 1:12; top tells us if we receive Jesus, we have the right to become children of God. We can see then, that means we were not His children before that.

Unknown to most parents is that there are enemy spirits working to find ways into their children while neither they nor the children even realize it is happening. This takes place mostly as each child is learning language, which is also the period when discipline is beginning. Evil spirits are able to project thoughts, just as God does. You MUST understand this, or you cannot wage strong spiritual warfare, and won’t even understand how the enemy got to establish their strongholds in each of us in the first place.

During the early life stages of each child, he is learning there are no-no’s, scolding, punishments, and possibly abuse. He is unable to see these are usually for his own best interest. He only knows he is no longer the center of a world that had previously existed only for his benefit. It is during these bewildering times that enemy spirits step up their evil programs. After such an event and while the child is brooding over these things, the enemy brings up by projected thought that all the “bad” things happening to him are signs of rejection, that he isn’t worthy of being loved. The child doesn’t have a name for it yet, but he is being introduced to shame, for shame and feelings of rejection are one and the same.

A child soon learns to avoid anything that could make him feel shame and he adjusts his life to minimize the opportunities of ever feeling shame again. He won’t realize this is his purpose, for it has become a sub-conscious reaction to uncomfortable feelings. Each of us has had a very embarrassing moment in our life. Remember the hot red face? The feeling of shame that accompanied the event? The hope that any witnesses would soon forget it happened? That is the power of shame. Remember? This means our adult personalities were formed by how we learned to avoid shame and the fear of rejection, more than from any other cause. This learning had nothing to do with our intelligence or the lack of same. It has all to do with the devil’s #1 weapon, shame, and how he utilizes it.

It is when those enemy thoughts are projected to a child and he begins to agree with them, that a stronghold is established from which the evil spirit can operate secretly, affecting the child’s decision-making as he grows. Today’s churches’ well-kept secret that an enemy even exists is one of the devil’s best fortress shields. The shame a person would feel if he acknowledged an evil spirit stronghold within is also one of the devil’s defensive walls of the stronghold. Pastors and their professors were also victims of this same intrusion within, that being the sub-conscious reason they do not teach these needed truths. The strength of strongholds in us depends on the sub-conscious shame fortress walls we maintain.

The most important thing in our relationship with Jesus is to “hear” His voice. In the thousands of sermons I’ve heard, only one, a late-night TV preacher explained hearing from God was like a thought projected into our mind. We must discern its origin; From our own mind’s agenda, the devil, or from God? It is time leaders inform newborn believers early so they can learn to practice the Presence of God right away. Yes, there are other louder ways God speaks, as well, but this still small voice is the most common.

There is a reason all this is going on. Earth had originally been created perfectly formed and good, but Lucifer’s previous actions had made it become without form and void. (See Gen. 1:2 and Isa. 45:18 ) God had to judge that world by a previous flood to Noah’s. Afterwards we see Holy Spirit hovering over the surface of that water. (the prior flood, Gen. 1:2 ) This was preparation for the coming six days of creative recovery of the world. In this, the Garden of Eden was prepared for man to Replenish the earth. (KJV Gen. 1:28; top )

Adam was created in God’s image, as God breathed the breath of life into him. That “life” was plural, “lives,” which reveals how we came to have both a soul and a spirit within. Since he was created outside the Garden then was led in, he was aware of what was outside and that as keeper of the Garden, had full authority to guard against intruders from outside. Enter Eve, the mother of all living humans to follow. When they agreed with the serpent, they lost their God given authority and close fellowship. There is a reason how and why their sin is passed on to all born since Adam and Eve, but not to be discussed here.

Adam failed in his job as keeper/guard when he failed to stop the serpent from coming into the Garden, and this is where he became responsible for sin entering the world. The devil was a reptilian cherub, similar to the reptilian Seraphim around God’s throne. We are shown he has legs ( Job 1:7 ) and was not in the form of a snake as many suppose. From here, we know they “ate” of the forbidden fruit, falling from their previous high position to just below that of angels. Now our lives would be lived in toil, outside the Garden. The devil was cursed to make his abode on the soil of earth, ( Gen. 3:14; top ) no longer allowed in Heaven unless sent for. He still has supernatural powers and to this day is using his wiles to keep humans unaware of his continuing influence to destroy the image of God in mankind. He has many fallen angel principalities and powers at his command, and they have many demons at their command. All against us.

The devil has been able to cause a spiritual blindness in believers. Pastors need to wake up from this to find and face their own sub-conscious fear of peer rejection. Then to teach the full truth that Holy Spirit gives, no matter the personal cost. If not, many prospective believers will continue falling by the wayside. Pastors need to know and teach that to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness takes violence, not always instead preaching the usual sermons with comforting words interspersed with funny quips. ( Mt. 11:12; top )

If we depend on following a man to lead us to our reward, we limit ourselves. We cannot rise above the limit he reached, and few pastors have sought the Difficult Way Jesus desires for us. ( Mt. 7:14; top ) They may think they have, but just living with the hardships this cursed earth presents us is not the Difficult Way He is talking about that few find.

The real Difficult Way means going through the hard trials God arranges for us, (as He did for Job, using the devil), not giving up nor getting them prayed off ourselves. The valleys Jesus will accompany us through will teach us far more valuable lessons than the comforting sermons about living a happy comfortable life now, and then going to Heaven. Happiness comes and goes with life situations, but joy remains a constant, for it is the knowledge of our salvation.

Could we be mistaking Jesus’ command to us to “occupy until I come?” ( Lk. 19:13; top ) Have we merely entered the Narrow Gate, but linger there, occupying that gate instead of taking His preferred Difficult Way?

This short essay’s purpose is meant to trigger deeper insight to our purpose of being redeemed to the image of God, that which was lost in the Garden of Eden. For the glory of God, it is hoped this message will be forwarded freely to other believers. Only a portion is shown here of an expanded version on Amazon which bears many Bible verses to back up the body of the work. It is priced at the very bottom they would allow and is in both ebook and paperback form. I am NOT in this to make money! My full name, David Lane Williams, and the title: “What Is It about THE BLOOD OF JESUS” on Amazon will make it available.

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