Pronounced: khar-ah'
From chairo [5463]; cheerfulness, that is, delight.
Occurs 59 times in 57 verses.
Entries following the reference are those used in the New Testament - Greek/English/Strong’s Interlinear.
- Rom. 14:17 – joy
- Gal. 5:22 – joy
- Mt. 2:10
- Mt. 13:20
- Mt. 13:44
- Mt. 25:21
- Mt. 25:23
- Mt. 28:8
- Mk. 4:16
- Lk. 1:14
- Lk. 2:10
- Lk. 8:13
- Lk. 10:17
- Lk. 15:7
- Lk. 15:10
- Lk. 24:41
- Lk. 24:52
- Jn. 3:29
- Jn. 15:11
- Jn. 16:20
- Jn. 16:21
- Jn. 16:22
- Jn. 16:24
- Jn. 17:13
- Acts 8:8
- Acts 12:14
- Acts 13:52
- Acts 15:3
- Acts 20:24
- Rom. 15:13
- Rom. 15:32
- 2 Cor. 1:24
- 2 Cor. 2:3
- 2 Cor. 7:4
- 2 Cor. 7:13
- 2 Cor. 8:2
- Phlp. 1:4
- Phlp. 1:25
- Phlp. 2:2
- Phlp. 2:29
- Phlp. 4:1
- Col. 1:11
- 1 Ths. 1:6
- 1 Ths. 2:19
- 1 Ths. 2:20
- 1 Ths. 3:9
- 2 Tim. 1:4
- Heb. 10:34
- Heb. 12:2
- Heb. 12:11
- Heb. 13:17
- Jas. 1:2
- Jas. 4:9
- 1 Pet. 1:8
- 1 Jn. 1:4
- 2 Jn. 12
- 3 Jn. 4
- Joy For All? - Neil Girrard Joy is a much desired commodity in the “church” these days - but is it really the good thing we all think it is?
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