Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water, and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. |
Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. |
Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water, and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. |
Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. |
Jesus answered, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, except a man be born of water and (even) the Spirit, he cannot [ever] enter the kingdom of God. |
Answered Jesus, Most assuredly, I am saying to you, unless a person is born out of water as a source, even out of the Spirit as a source, he is not able to enter the kingdom of God. |
“I do assure you,” said Jesus, “that unless a man is born from water and from spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God. |
Jesus answered, “I most solemnly say to you, no one can ever get into the kingdom of God, unless he is born of water and the Spirit. |
Jesus 2424 answered, 611 Verily, 281 verily, 281 I say 3004 unto thee, 4671 Except 3362 a man 5100 be born 1080 of 1537 water 5204 and 2532 of the Spirit, 4151 he can- 1410 -not 3756 enter 1525 into 1519 the 3588 kingdom 932 of God. 2316 |
- No cross references or parallel passage have been cited for this verse.
- Answers to Questions About Churchianity vs. the Church - Jim Baumgaertel/Neil Girrard Jim Baumgaertel asks all the right questions and Neil Girrard gives the answers which God has revealed to him.
- Basic Questions - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Two very basic questions that cast considerable doubt on much, if not nearly all, of modern religious Christianity.
- Buy From Me - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus commanded the Laodiceans to buy something from Him. What was it and why is it important?
- Christ and His Kingdom - Abraham Varghese A brother’s exploration of what the Scriptures say about Christ and His kingdom.
- 5. The Christian Life in a United Church - Part 2; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard We now return to the floor-tilting quotes we laid on the table in the previous section.
- Counting Heads - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) One of the most obvious features of any particular “church” can be used to easily and immediately assess its character and quality and this requires no spiritual discernment whatsoever – so why isn’t this method used more often?
- The Detection of Visions from God or Satan; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Apart from the “visions” which are the result of disease, the detection of Divine from Satanic visions depends a great deal upon knowledge of the Word of God, and the fundamental principles of His working in His children.
- The Distinct Organism of the Spirit; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis That the human spirit is a distinct organism, as separate from the soul and body, is very clearly recognized in the Scriptures.
- Exploding the Myth of Christ’s Delegated Authority - Neil Girrard Christ gave His authority to men to lead other believers into a closer walk with Him – didn’t He?
- False Prophets - Neil Girrard Just what makes a false prophet false? The answer will surprise many people.
- False Religion; Lords of Darkness - Neil Girrard The most successful and dangerous of Satan’s “propaganda ministry” is the spirit of false religion.
- The Father’s Business - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) As sons of God we need to be about our Father’s business – but what is that?
- Follow Me - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus makes it abundantly clear what it takes to gain eternal life.
- God Governs the Renewed Man By His Co-Acting Will; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis For deliverance from the power of sin and protection from deceiving spirits in their workings, it is important to have a clear apprehension of God’s purpose in redemption.
- Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau: Three of Satan’s Stooges - Neil Girrard The U.S. is little more than the acting out of the philosophies of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau but most Americans don’t know what these philosophers said or why that might be important to them as followers of Christ.
- I Will Be Your Father - Darryl Samuels - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) God is by nature a Father and He wants a family but there are many deceptions that are designed to get us to forsake Him as our only true Father.
- Inoculated - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many Americans are unreached by the gospel because they have been inoculated against it, most often at some “church.”
- The Keys of the Kingdom - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) With knowledge of the keys to the kingdom of God, one must certainly possess eternal life – right?
- The Kingdom Is the Key - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) An accurate understanding of the kingdom of God is the key to understanding the collection of writings we commonly call the New Testament.
- The Kingdom of God Is at Hand - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) With the proclamation that the kingdom of God was at hand, Jesus ushered in a new phase in the work of redemption that God had purposed before the creation of the world.
- Kingdoms in Conflict: A Review - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Kingdoms in Conflict is probably best viewed as a conversation starter – but just how does one grapple with so vast and deep a subject and not fail somewhere?
- The Local Church in the Time of Apostasy - Neil Girrard An examination of how Watchman Nee’s teachings in The Normal Christian Church Life, chapter 5, are to be viewed in the context of today’s ultra-denominationalism.
- The Many Rs of the Final Reformation - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) In order to grasp the entirety of God’s movement of the last days requires more than the simple label “the final reformation.”
- The Matrix and Captain Marvel; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) These two movies incredibly provide modern parables of ancient truths.
- Maturing in Christ: Advice to New - and Old - Believers - Neil Girrard The path to spiritual maturity is not just a walk up an aisle or even an overnight journey. There are many things we need to observe in our spiritual journey toward God to be certain we don’t get off the path that leads to life.
- Missionaries - Neil Girrard “Missionary” is not a word used in the New Testament. So why are we so insistent on sending out missionaries?
- Narcissism: A Spiritual Perspective - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Sam Vaknin’s picture of the false self of narcissism presents good insights as well as exposes the schemes of the demonic to separate the narcissist away from Christ.
- The New Testament Pattern of Ekklesia - Neil Girrard There is a New Testament pattern of ekklesia - and modern “church” life does not match up.
- One Jacked “Jesus” - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Lawless rebels have created a “Jesus” who condones, encourages and enables their neurotic, carnal, sinful and wicked lifestyles, those ways of living that make both individuals and people groups ripe for strong judgment.
- The Open Church – A Review - Neil Girrard A good book to read - with the understanding that it represents some serious compromises to the vision that God tried to give.
- Origins - Neil Girrard The history of the Jehovah’s Witnesses offers us an enlightening glimpse into the danger of allowing any move of God to degenerate into a denominational institution.
- A Part of Christ - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The people who are “the Church,” are part of Christ, right?
- Protection Through a Holocaust; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer God doesn’t forsake His saints - they are preserved forever.
- The Purpose of Parables - Neil Girrard Parables serve a much more precise purpose in the teachings of Jesus than most people realize.
- Q and the Next[?] Red Pill; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A spiritual Christian perspective of a particular aspect of the Christian influence found in the Q posts.
- The Quest for Knowledge - Neil Girrard ) - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The quest for knowledge is a good thing - if we avoid all the pitfalls and actually find truth!
- Saints or Sinners - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) What is an individual after a genuine conversion? Why does it matter?
- Separate - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) One can believe in all the “essential doctrines” of Christianity but if one speaks out against the ills and evils of “church” and organized, institutional “Christian” religion, then that one simply cannot possibly be a brother in Christ. What?
- Spectator Sport - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) In the face of the many multiplied thousands of “churches” proliferating around the world, the world grows swiftly darker and more evil. Are God’s methods actually ineffective and impotent?
- Spectrums: “Church” or Ekklesia - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Any individual, whether the worst kind of evil villain or the best kind of saint or hero, is a combination of both good and bad characteristics – so why are led to believe that an assembly, which is made up of many individuals, must be either merely “good” or “bad” and not some mixture of both?
- Spiritual But Not Religious - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) SBNR is a popular label among “emergent” generations. What does this label really mean?
- Spiritual Fathers – 1 Corinthians 4:15; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) From a very scant Scriptural base, a whole system of teaching has evolved that concocts a “one size fits all” false doctrine that results in tyranny, oppression, persecution, exclusion, favoritism and a host of other evils.
- Through the Looking Glass - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If one looks into either end of binoculars or a telescope, a “looking glass,” one can see many things about the kingdom and the “church.” A surprisingly deep parable.
- Too Deeply - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many Christian leaders today act as if exhortation is offensive and that the philosophy of offending anyone does not come from the Bible.
- The Two Step Gospel - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus’ picture of the wide and narrow gates and paths provides us with insight into what is perhaps the devil’s most pernicious deception, a deception which comes directly from the doctrines of eternal salvation.
- Whose Kingdom Is It Anyway? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Perhaps the most accurate, over-arching view of the intricate workings of the kingdom of God ever given to men was that given to Ezekiel.
- Why Now? - Neil Girrard Why is God revealing the differences between “church” and ekklesia now?