I have hesitated in making this a separate section of its own. In truth, learning about spiritual warfare and the deceitful schemes of the devil are part and parcel of spiritual maturity - deeper Christian living. But because this is a specialized subject that troubles many people who are growing up in Christ, I will separate these writings.
All articles are formatted as simply as possible and should print directly from your web browser.
- The Adversary and His Origin: His Names: His Kingdom: His Organized Government, and His Religion; The Warfare With Satan and the Way of Victory - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Adversary’s Resistance to the Liberation of His Captives, and How Souls Are Freed by the Power of the Cross.; The Warfare With Satan and the Way of Victory - Jesse Penn-Lewis The deliverance of Calvary which the Adversary most fears for the redeemed one to know draws the believer right out of his reach, into the hiding place in the crucified Lord, making way for the Christ Himself to possess the earthen vessel, and manifest His life and power.
- III. The Adversary’s Subjects on the Inhabited Earth. How He Retains His Kingdom and Control in the World of Men.; The Warfare With Satan and the Way of Victory - Jesse Penn-Lewis It is of the supremest importance to the Prince of this world that those who dwell in his realm should not know it is under his control, therefore he exerts all his ingenuity to keep them unconscious of their condition. To keep men ignorant of their position he blinds their minds!
- The Authority Over Evil Spirits By The Apostles After Pentecost; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Baptism of the Holy Ghost; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Basic Principle for Testing Teachings by Teaching Spirits; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Believers Can Ignorantly Develop Mediumistic Conditions; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Believers May Receive Equipment To Deal With Satanic Powers; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The Holy Spirit is awakening and instructing all who will hear what He is saying.
- 1. A Biblical Survey of Satanic Deception; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Can “Honest Souls” Be Deceived?; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Causes of Depression Apart From the Physical Condition; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Causes of Passivity of Spirit; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Characteristics of Evil Spirits; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Christ Always Dealing With The Invisible Enemies; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Christ As a Person in Heaven; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Church In The Middle Ages; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The middle ages were a period of darkness for the saints because they were almost entirely under the power of evil spirits.
- The Church In The Twentieth Century Must Recognize The Powers Of Darkness; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Church of the Twentieth Century; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The low spiritual condition of the saints accounts for the rampant ignorance about the demonic.
- Clairvoyance and Clairaudience and Their Cause; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Class of Believers Who Are Open to Passivity; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Column 1: How Evil Spirits Deceive; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Compulsory “Confessions” of Sin; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Count the Cost; Opening Spiritual Eyes - David L. Williams
- Counterfeit Dreams; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Counterfeit Guidance; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Counterfeit “Inward” Drawings; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Counterfeit Manifestations of Divine Workings in the Body; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Counterfeit of the Man Himself; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Counterfeit of the Presence of God; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Counterfeit Personation of Others; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Counterfeit Presence Is an Influence Upon the Believer; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Counterfeit “Presence” Is Sensuous; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Counterfeit Presence of God; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Counterfeit Self-Condemnation; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Counterfeit Sin; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Counterfeit Visions; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Counterfeit Voice of God; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- 6. Counterfeits of the Divine; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Counterfeits of Satan Himself; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Culmination of the Flood Tide of Deceiving Spirits Shown in 2 Ths. 2; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Deception results in Satanic world-wide control.
- The Curse of God Pronounced upon the Deceiver; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- The Dangers of Coined Phrases to Express Spiritual Truths; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Daniel’s Prophecy That “Teachers” Should “Fall” at the Time of the End; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Even the most learned of the elect of Christ can be deceived.
- Death by Deception; Lords of Darkness - Neil Girrard
- A Deeper Look at the Gospel; Opening Spiritual Eyes - David L. Williams Without fresh revelation from God we cannot become the prepared Bride.
- Degree of Ground Needed for Evil Spirit to Possess Cannot Be Defined; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Deliverance From Passivity; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Demonics - Neil Girrard. Can a Christian be demonized? Can a “pastor” be demonized? The answer might surprise you.
- Demonized - Neil Girrard A look at what the Scriptures teach - and do not teach - about a believer being possessed of a demon.
- The Detection of Visions from God or Satan; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- False Prophets - Neil Girrard. Just what makes a false prophet? The answer will surprise many readers.
- How the Adversary Was Conquered at Calvary. The Proclamation of the Conquest Throughout His Dominions.; The Warfare With Satan and the Way of Victory - Jesse Penn-Lewis
- Know Your Enemy - Neil Girrard. From Lords of Darkness. The devil roars to divert your attention from the real threat - his pride.
- Leadership and Unity - Neil Girrard. Leadership is more often the source of division that destroys our unity in Christ.
- The Ministry of Angels; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Angels are sent to serve the heirs of salvation but not to take the place of Christ or the Holy Spirit.
- No Place for the Devil Neil Girrard. Some teach that “God won’t share the apartment” and saying a Christian is demon possessed is the blasphemy of the Spirit. But is that so?
- Our Threefold Enemy - Neil Girrard Those who would have us fight only the flesh leave us blind to our defenses against the demonic and the world and to the offensive weapons God has given us that we might obtain His objectives.
- The Overcomer on the Throne of Victory: Satan Under the Feet of the Believer.; The Warfare With Satan - Jesse Penn-Lewis We must see the way of victory, and the place of authority over all the power of the enemy, which makes the redeemed one “terrible as an army with banners” to the foe.
- Perilous Times Neil Girrard. The deception of the end times is dangerous – especially for those who don’t believe it’s really there.
- Spiritual Tyrants: How to Spot a Nicolaitan - Neil Girrard. Nicolaitanism is perhaps the most pervasive error that plagues the “church” - from the mega-“church” to the house “church.” Some practical signposts point it out when we see it.
- The True Location of God; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Christ and God are in heaven – counterfeits would have us look elsewhere.
One of the saddest duties of any preacher of righteousness in this age of deception and lawlessness is the obligation to name the names of those who represent a real and serious danger of diverting genuine followers of Christ from the truth faith. Thankfully, the following list is short. While protecting various specific brothers and sisters, I have thankfully not had to bother to take on vast numbers of the “ministries” which abound that have long since departed from Christ. May it stay that way!
- Abuse Under a Spiritual Father by Jim, a brother in Christ. One man’s experiences in the Apostles and Prophets movement.
- Call No Man Father; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard Christ’s clear command is not enough for the “spiritual fathering” movement.
- Christ In - Set Man Out! Is the “set man” principle still applicable to New Covenant believers today? This article may challenge some of our sincerest beliefs. - Darryl Samuels & Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Completing the Revolution - Neil Girrard. Andrew Strom’s statement of his withdrawal from the “Out-of-Church” movement (what George Barna calls “The Revolution”) advocates for yet another form of deception. Beware!
- I Will Be Your Father - Darryl Samuels God is by nature a Father and He wants a family but there are many deceptions that are designed to get us to forsake Him as our only true Father. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Peter’s Two Fathers – Jonah and John; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard. The “spiritual fathering” teachings rely on teachings like this one.
- Three Fatal Flaws - Neil Girrard. Sam Soleyn’s “Spiritual Oversight” teachings suffers from many spiritually fatal flaws. Beware!
- The Two Step Gospel - Neil Girrard Jesus’ picture of the wide and narrow gates and paths provides us with insight into what is perhaps the devil’s most pernicious deception, a deception which comes directly from the doctrines of eternal salvation. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
There may be no more deceptive error currently sweeping people away from the truth and divine grace of God than what can only be rightly called hyper-grace. As amazing and wonderful and profound and powerful as God’s grace is, when “grace” is allowed to be a license for sin or lawlessness (what is right in one’s own eyes), grace is cheapened and the gospel is made of no effect.
- Salvation by Grace - How It Works - Neil Girrard A modern-day parable about being truly saved. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Truth and Grace - Neil Girrard Truth, grace and law - our ears and hearts have become jaded to the full intent and meaning of the Spirit of God. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- The Law of God - Neil Girrard We may not be able to exhaust every possible answer to the question of why God instituted the system of blood sacrifices and offerings we find in the Old Testament, but the mains ones we do find in the Bible provide strong encouragement, great comfort and dire warning! - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- A Doctrine of Grace; - Neil Girrard - Even the teaching of grace is distorted in these last days of deception and lawlessness. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Grace and Pride – Neil Girrard There may have been no greater disservice to the truth about grace than to render “grace” (Greek, charis) as only “God’s unmerited favor.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Grace and Truth – John 1:17; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard The devil holds no tenet of the faith as sacred and he will distort any and every doctrine of the gospel if it will gain him any advantage over even one single believer – even the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Whose Slave Are You? - Neil Girrard It is an inescapable fact that we are the slave of whomever we choose to obey – and our only two choices are sin or God. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Gospel of Grace - Neil Girrard Joseph Prince’s book, Destined to Reign, is an astonishing compilation of errors and false teachings. This article attempts to tackle chapter 3, “Controversies Surrounding the Gospel of Grace.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Established in the Truth – 2 Peter 1:12; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard Deceived adherents to the twisted doctrine of “grace” think they’re working to be established in the truth – instead they are only being established by the demonic in their error. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- God’s Part and Man’s; Paths to Power - A.W. Tozer - Written in the 1950s, this article answers an error that has grown enormously popular in our day and shows us, if we can see, just how long the devil and the demonic have been sowing the seeds of the now popular hyper-grace error. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Buy From Me - Neil Girrard Jesus commanded the Laodiceans to buy something from Him. What was it and why is it important? - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- The Mighty Antithesis: Sin and Grace - Neil Girrard A.W. Tozer encountered hyper-grace in the 1950s and demonstrated that any discussion of sin and grace is going to cover ground at least touched upon by the conflict between Pelagius and Augustine in the 5th century. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
I’d love to hear comments and/or questions from you! Email me!
God bless you.