Subjects Index:

Demonization and Deception

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Demonization π Deception π Hyper-Grace


I have hesitated in making this a separate section of its own. In truth, learning about spiritual warfare and the deceitful schemes of the devil are part and parcel of spiritual maturity - deeper Christian living. But because this is a specialized subject that troubles many people who are growing up in Christ, I will separate these writings.

All articles are formatted as simply as possible and should print directly from your web browser.

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One of the saddest duties of any preacher of righteousness in this age of deception and lawlessness is the obligation to name the names of those who represent a real and serious danger of diverting genuine followers of Christ from the truth faith. Thankfully, the following list is short. While protecting various specific brothers and sisters, I have thankfully not had to bother to take on vast numbers of the “ministries” which abound that have long since departed from Christ. May it stay that way!

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There may be no more deceptive error currently sweeping people away from the truth and divine grace of God than what can only be rightly called hyper-grace. As amazing and wonderful and profound and powerful as God’s grace is, when “grace” is allowed to be a license for sin or lawlessness (what is right in one’s own eyes), grace is cheapened and the gospel is made of no effect.

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